A different training bug...carefully observed

Started by Limdood, April 19, 2016, 02:38:21 PM

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Pawns seem to not check if they have enough food to FINISH a training attempt.

Training is 4 actions in succession, two "talking" actions, then 2 "feeding" actions. 

I watched my pawn talk to a labrador twice, then offer it some meat once.
The pawn then started over and talked to the labrador twice, then offered it some rice once(she ran out of meat in her inventory).
The pawn then walked to the freezer and grabbed more meat since she ran out of rice, talked to the labrador twice, then fed the labrador the meat twice, finally completing a training attempt.

I know this is just bug reporting, and I realize this is a fairly minor bug, but an easy fix would just be to change the "feed" part of taming to only happen once.  This way if the pawn checks to see if she has enough food for a feeding action, she won't have to start all over due to running out of food between the two feeding attempts.


This has been already addressed and will be fixed in the next release. Thanks.