Opportunity to recruit visitors

Started by sadpickle, April 19, 2016, 07:27:03 PM

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So I recently had a group of visitors so I looked over the pawn stats like the voyeur I am. I thought to myself, "I wish I could recruit these people... you know, without possibly killing them."

Pawns are free agents, essentially. The new social mechanics shows they have desires like anyone else. I think it would be cool if while a visitor was on the map, there was a "chat and recruit" option like we have with prisoners. I don't think it should be EASY, but it would be a nice way to bolster the ranks when we're playing anything other than Randy, or our favorite medic just got the frail trait. I'm playing Phoebe Rough and in a standard tribal raid I'll be lucky if one pawn survives my assault rifle barrage. This is too slow. Give me some options here. It would also give us the opportunity to bring family pawns into the colony. I mean, I think if I found my brother (or hypothetical child) on a Rimworld, I'd prefer to live with him instead of apart. Just my thoughts.


Might want to go take a look at the "Hospitality' mod, it's already updated.


Quote from: Nictis on April 19, 2016, 09:44:07 PM
Might want to go take a look at the "Hospitality' mod, it's already updated.
Looks intriguing but according to the thread it bugs the work tab. I'm more interested in an integrated vanilla experience, hence the thread.