Colonist Group Management - Simple Fix to micromanagement issues when large

Started by OmniTitan, April 19, 2016, 11:57:57 PM

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I keep finding myself having issues with micromanaging my colonists when I start reaching 20+ colonists. A really simple, and easy I think, fix would be to have a UI addition of groups under the work management tab. Ie, default group is everyone, I can then add a group and name it "Farmers". Then I drag who I want into the group. There doesnt need to be any change to the actual work management of each colonist, just a way to seperate them into groups.

The main advantages to this is that you can see how many people you have prioritized for certain jobs. If you also add the ability to expand and close the groups then management of the groups themselves becomes a breeze with large numbers of colonists.

If I am honest I have stopped playing this game multiple times because of this issue. I always micromanage my colonies and this often leads to issues when I have tons of colonists, to the point where trying to manage them becomes a turn off instead of one of the reasons I play.

Anyway, thanks for a wonderful game, hope this can get implemented