Ways to trade with other colonies?

Started by Tumuel, September 06, 2014, 03:39:36 AM

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The  only thing you can do with other colonies right now is send them silver and ask for military help, I am sure there will be a way to trade with them at some point in the future, but I think the problem is the way you send stuff to them, I don't think sending stuff to space makes much sense if you are sending silver to neighboring colonies, how about some sort of horse (or muffalo) and cart, Railway lines, freight boats, even planes I think it would be good enough to have your colonists put stuff in them and they would disappear for a while, and come back with the stuff you bought from the other colony. It would be nice to see the vehicle travel off to the edge of the map, and come back again to where it was before, but I am not sure how difficult that would be to code.


to be honest i think the current "send silver to x facton" is kinda extremely unrealistic, with space traders its ok cause hey they drop the items and can "beam up" the things you sold them but the native towns shouldn't have anything to have the silver wired to them. so i think a la DF you could build a bigger workshop called "trade depot" and from time to time a muffalo caravan could come (or door / horse one) to trade with your colony. while you trade with him you could also do some bribing which could improve the standing with the faction.


A trade depot with physical pickup is a great idea. Also maybe constant trading could increase faction relations in itself. Trade long enough and the faction sees you as a valuable ally or friend. On the other note traders dying from bandits while coming to trade with you might sour relations.


great idea! one thing id add though is early game to just trade with travelers.


Quote from: skyalert32 on September 07, 2014, 12:37:51 AM
great idea! one thing id add though is early game to just trade with travelers.

well i kinda hope that vanilla rimworld will take some hints from the TTM mod and makes the game more techtree-dependant and crafting dependant (at least more dependant on tech tree). having everything from the start isn't quite as fun as starting with nothing and having to research almost everything (of course with earlier / slightly worse tech and more things to research) and having more steps in between to craft things from different crafting tables AND to have some items be space trader only like geo thermal engine, big solar panel modules, etc. makes the game in my experience more to a survival simulation.