Randy vs Other AI

Started by Silvador, April 25, 2016, 06:25:39 PM

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I usually play with Randy, on the Basebuilder Difficulty, but I rarely get further than a year. Am I stunting my chances of a successful colony by choosing Randy? Would I have a better chance of getting further with Cassandra or Phoebe?


Hard to say. I play Randy and.. well, it's random. Cassandra and Phoebe slowly scale difficulty and do not really curb back, whereas Randy's overall difficulty hovers around a certain average.

What Randy does in particular is introduce certain threats sooner than the others might. Practice on Cassandra and Phoebe until you can get a solid handle on the early game. On Randy, you need to hit the ground running and have the basic layout of your base up and completed within the first month (a planted farm, living quarters, some energy, and a defensive emplacement of some sort), at a minimum.


There are other AIs? ;)

All kidding aside, Randy does whatever he feels like. Even if you have him on Basebuilder he still doesn't care what you need or what you can handle, so he can give you rough situations if you're new to the game. Phoebe isn't actually a pushover, she just has a very deliberate pacing. She can send major challenges at you, she just won't drop another one on you as soon as you start cleaning up the first one. Cassandra runs the game like, well, a game. She expects you to make progress, and tests you regularly to make sure you're keeping up.

I would say that Phoebe on a higher difficulty level is a better learning experience than Basebuilder Randy. Randy is for when you understand the game and NEED things to come at you at random.


Hardest Randy availible, always.

Also I am happy that Tynan added Permadeath because finally theres option to help me not to save-scum! xD


I always felt like Randy challenge was the *normal* difficulty and one that I never have an issue with.. its rather good pace without being impossibly hard