change colonist limit?

Started by sujio, May 01, 2016, 09:20:18 PM

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hi im wondering if theres a way i can change the colonist limit thanks!


yes you can mod it. how many do you want minimum,  Desired, and maximum, and for which storyteller?


i just want to remove the upper cap for colonists, i remember in A11 or 12 which i still have the modpacks for and i had over 25 colonists and a nice little village!

edit: to be more specific, id like a mod or someone to show me how to edit the code, only to remove the colonist limit. thank you!!


this would be an easy mod.

First download a program called notepad++ and install it' this is an xml friendly version of notepad which colors things and makes it easier to read.

Second make a folder , name it what you want the mod to be named

Third make 2 folders in that one named about and defs to keep things organized. 

fourth open your rimworld folder , open mods, open core, open about and copy that to your about folder

fifth open core/defs/storytellerdefs then copy storyteller.xml to your defs folder

sixth right click on the about xml file in your folder and open with notepad++
  change the mod name to your mods name, delete the url line, and change the author to you

seventh open the storyteller.xml file in notepad++

  now you can either change those storytellers to suit your needs by changing <desiredPopulationMin> <desiredPopulationMax> <desiredPopulationCritical>, which might conflict with other mods that do the same ,

or you can make a new storyteller by changing the <defname> <label> <description> <quote>  <listorder> <desiredPopulationMin> <desiredPopulationMax> <desiredPopulationCritical>

either way save that file , I would change the name of the file but I don't think you need to. 

then copy your mod folder into the games mod folder start the game and click the mod


wow thank you very much razorhed, if i could upvote you i would!
I'll be trying this when i get home!


Frankly, you don't even need to make a mod if you backup, just go in to the storytellerDefs in core and change their Caps.
Just be sure to back it up!

Rimworld is remarkably modder friendly, atleast from a basic standpoint. :)
Moderator on come join us! We don't bite
