[Request/Info/Question/Potato] Bionic Arm Weapon and two weapon

Started by dragoduval, May 03, 2016, 10:53:33 AM

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I was looking at bionic the bionics and i was wondering if it was possible to add a special weapon to a arm, like adding a slow and weak laser to a bionic arm or let say a axe to increase tree felling speed.

I know some bionic change the damage type of pawns, but is it possible to add a usable weapon or skill, that you can click on to use it, like normal weapon. 

Also is it possible to have two weapon, or a weapon and a grenade at the same time ?

I tried once whit grenade by changing the weapon type (or equipment type ?) to secondary, but they kept dissapearing (Damn freaking hard word) when i equipped them, so i stopped trying to do it myself.
Im making my own mod !!!! Also im pretty sure that i started World Wars 3.....

Also if i spawn too many subject then dont mind me, i'm just bored at school :D. Damn 3 hours long video's....