
Started by The-MathMog, May 04, 2016, 02:36:43 PM

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This might have been suggested before, but didn't find or remember any specific so here we go.

Basically just a system with tolerances as percentages to certain mood boosts/penalties, the same way as "joy" has tolerances.
For instance I don't think that my pawn, who daily walk into the freezer with corpses, should get the same penalty each time, as he did the first time. And then again, if he doesn't see any for a while, that tolerance decreases again and seeing a corpse will have a greater effect.

Maybe also with foods? Getting a lavish meal after only eating nutrient paste or simple meals for a long time, should give a better mood boost, than if they get lavish meals every day.

Nuzzling a pet for the first time in a while = higher mood boost, than getting nuzzled by 10 chinchillas every day.

Walking around in a dirty environment for a long time, vs walking into a dirty room when the rest of the colony is clean.

Etc, etc, you get the point :)