Colonist loop - hungry around insect hives

Started by nuschler22, May 09, 2016, 04:46:30 PM

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If a colonist is near an insect hive with jelly, they will repeatedly try to get the jelly, be scared off by the insects, cower then try to get the jelly again. 

This will occur even with plenty of other food available (simple and fine meals both available) as long as the jelly is closer.



Your pawns absolutely adore insect meat and jelly, and will swoop down on it before any other type of food.


Why do they prefer insect jelly & survival meals over actual food?  o_O

Unless, you know, the actual food is a long ways off.  They'll go for what's nearby if the good stuff is too far away.  Just forbid the jelly and they'll be fine.  (But I agree, jelly should be a lower priority than it currently seems to be.)


I really don't know why, but if you have any meat or jelly, it will be used like it is critical or something. Tested on a cooking table that had limited range only to the adjacent freezer, which had a random distribution of food on the floor.


Interesting.  I wonder if ingredient/meal priority is at all related to Market Value of the item?  That would explain this behavior if so.


Since the insect jelly is not forbidden it's not a bug, more like a suggestion for pawns to avoid doing tasks where they could potentially get hurt, though it's a complex problem. Insect jelly is initially set to forbidden, so it's not a big deal.