The short-standing Crajshed colony

Started by SlimeCrusher, February 13, 2014, 01:24:39 PM

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This is the story of Kees, Tynnan and Salt, of how a few raiders can destroy big places, and how animals react to gunfire, screams, and explosions
(With ItchyFlea's mod and Randy Random)

We were on a relaxing day on a planet we fell, because our ship got destroyed, we had to escape and we landed in this place, we had a little base with solar panels
and a geothermal generator, some rooms, a prisioner, Jimmy, and a small hydroponics farm, but all that changed when we saw pods falling towards us... "Raiders!", Tynnan said. When the night arrived, we equiped our pistols and, with the lack of protection because we hadn't had time to make some, we put ourselves behind some rocks, we managed to kill 2 of them, a granade nearly killed Tynnan but he got away safely... Still, those 2 other bastards managed to shot Kees in the leg, and he fell in pain to the floor... Seconds later, Salt got hit in the chest and he also fell to the ground, Tynnan said "I'll not manage to kill these bastards alone...", so he grabbed Kees and he put him on his bed, but when he came to save Salt, those raiders were already at the door, Tynnan ran past them ignoring them, then he grabbed a rifle, but sadly his possibilty to hit something was too small (5%), so he dropped the rifle and ran towards Salt, he grabbed him and ran towards his bed... But half-way there, BAM, a pistol shot towards Tynnan's arm and chest, he fell in pain to the side of Salt... But then, Salt saw something huge coming, "Hey... Agh... Looook... A Muf *cough* Muffalo...", it ran past them and instead he came angry with his eyes red, going to attack Smokey, one of the raiders, he got killed by the angry Muffalo, then he runned at Big Red, another raider, he also got killed... At the time this happened, Kees burned alive in his bed...But then, the muffalo smelled more humans... *Poof* *Crack* *Track*, he was breaking into Jimmy's room, Jimmy was sleeping and when he heard his door breaking, he got up... He saw the Muffalo with red eyes ready to charge to him, but luckly he killed the Muffalo, has it was badly wounded after killing 2 raiders, then he walked through the eating room, he finnaly got out of the base... "Fresh air... Im... I... Escaped!... Yeeash!", he said while then, a Boomrat started to bite his leg, he managed to kill it, but he started to catch fire, he ran inside the broken farm and he stupidly stayed there although it was raining outside... He got incinerated alive, his last words were "... Aghh... Why didn't i stayed inside...AAAAAARH" and he died, Tynnan died as a hero, he didn't got to save anyone though, but he tried, and that's what matters...

Anyways here are the pics of the obviously-gonna-fail colony, it was mainly to test the mod but i got an awesome story out of it