2 clicks required to place some blueprints at lower screen half

Started by matthiaskrgr, May 19, 2016, 07:11:25 AM

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When placing blueprints for constructions near the lower area of the screen, two clicks are required in a lot of cases, one to make the material-selection menu disappear and another one to place the actual item. I find this quite annoying.

Would it be possible to
a) hide the material-menu right after the cursor no longer hovers an UI element (i.e. is on the terrain "map") or
b) if the cursor clicks somewhere on terrain, hide the material selection and place the blueprint at the same time?


I'll keep this in mind, but it's not really a bug. More of a request for an interface redesign. But there are downsides no matter how you go. Anyway I'll think about if there's a change to make here.

Btw your idea #1 is already in the game, just move the mouse further away.

Thanks for posting.
Tynan Sylvester - @TynanSylvester - Tynan's Blog