Ghost, the Rimworlder.

Started by GhostPower, June 01, 2016, 01:32:25 AM

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So, something that I often do is leave Rimworld running in the backround. I will go back and check on it often as it plays since I give them a few projects at once they they are busy for the next few days. Well at the same time I can often fall asleep while these events go on... Which is why i have the game set for an auto save every three days. Well I had fallen asleep, woke up roughly four hours later or so because my dog woke me up because she was (Again) choking on her own tongue for some odd reason. After dealing with her I got a drink when I suddenly remembered that Rimworld ws running. And thus I was rushed back to computer and what I saw was saddening.

On the 11th of summer Ghost was the last remaining of the colonists. Everyone else was dead or somewhere else, probably in slavery or worse.He was laying on the ground writhing in pain as Sensory Mechanites ravaged his body. he was useless to get up and pull himself to a nearby bed (If one had been left, but all were gone) and perhaps attempt self-treatment. And thus he was doomed to lay there and die slowly as the rain pitter pattered outside of what was left of the small way they had constructed. (I'll leave a picture of this save)

So, I then jumped back to the next autosave, which was pretty much the same. Which lead me to believe that Ghost had been there for over THREE days just dying. Which in my mind sounds horrible.

I jumped back another save, which had Morgan dead another colonist repairing the walls and Lumi (Ghosts wife) no where to be seen. Ghost was in a medical bed healing. He had suffered numerous gunshot wounds and wasen't even at half health. I was rather impressed by this but also saddened. In my head I could imagine a group of raiders attack and Ghost was fighting vailently to try and save love Lumi and protect Morgan. But it went wrong and Lumi was captuered and Morgan was killed, leaving Ghost dying slowly as he realized his failure. Accepting his death only for the unknown colonist to save him (I could easily get his name, but meh I'm lazy and I like "Unknown Colonist").

After this I went back to the last auto save. In this one there was very little that had gone wrong. Everyone was alive and healthy, crops were good, base was well built, and Ghost was happy. The only wrong thing that had happened was a traveler had died by a Boomalope and left behind free gear and beer.

Throughout all of this I learned just exactly how strong... Or lucky Ghost is. This is why he's a Rimworlder, This is why this planet is is, because he can and will outlast all of those behind him. Surviving most perhaps even old age, probably because he's pretty much half bionic. And next time I'll remember to make a manual save before I pass out... I'll leave two pictures with you all below, the end state of this colony and the beginning state. The pictures might be in seprate posts since they seme to be about 1MB and fourms dislike anything more then 600KB.
Run away from the cats!


Welp I can't figure out how to get the picture I want to be at 600KB, so oh well :P
Run away from the cats!


The correct definition of RNG is that everything is awesome, until it's not. Those saves just confirm it.