RimWorld Film Project

Started by TronPrime1, February 18, 2014, 02:13:14 PM

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Okay, so I decided to start a whole new topic about my project considering that the last one might have caused some confusion. I am making a 20-30 min RimWorld YouTube Movie (Colonizing Fall 2014). However I need some help with this. The one thing that is most needed at the moment is a CG artist. Someone skilled with modeling, texturing and animating 3D Models. Here's the issue though. I've been talking to Tynan, and at the moment I'm allowed to go ahead with the project, as long as I don't make any money off of it. That means no Kickstarter or Indigogo. Which means I have to fund it all out of my own pocket. So, the CG artist would have to work for free...

If the rest of you would like to contribute to this project, well, I have good news! You can help by following the G+ community and giving me feedback and such. You'll also get the latest news regarding the project. Right now, I'm in the scriptwriting stage. You guys can give me comments and affect the actual story as well. If you are a large contributor to the script, I'll put your name in the credits as a Script writer.

Here's the current team:

Scriptwriting Team
     (TronPrime1) Matthew B     Edward Black   

Set Construction
Brendon S (Unknown)     (TronPrime1) Matthew B
Edward Black

Location Scouts

Gerald: Josh H (Unknown)
Rhodes: Edward Black (Unknown)
Sharpe: Kasey(?) (Unknown)
Elisha: (?)
Old Rhodes: (?)
Raider 1: Matthew B (TronPrime1)
Raiders 2 through 13: (?)
Robotic Voice: Kelly B

Film Crew
        Edward Black   (TronPrime1) Matthew B       

Current Stage of Development: Writing Script

The current script is linked on the G+ community, here: https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/101424796349756960721


This project is privately funded, and is not monetized. No money is being made from this project. Special thanks to Tynan Sylvester for making the game and allowing me to non-commercially use his logo and concept for RimWorld to make this movie.