Love's Compatibility and Attraction

Started by Dommiwommi, June 06, 2016, 03:32:59 PM

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So I have a rimworld, which I'm just messing around with and having fun. Looking at the debug info in relationships, I see something called compatibility and attraction. What factors affect these variables? Since they're obviously key in developing budding romances and relationships. Since this is just one to mess around on, I don't mind changing things in the world save file to get these to line up, but knowing what to change and how would be most apprecitated.


I think it's based on the colonists character. I assume backstories, skills, and traits and such all influence the compatability and attraction. Compatability is needed for the friendship / relationship to work out, but I am sure it can be low and still work out. Attraction is obviously how attracted they are to eachother, it needs to be high for relationships to form deeply.


I as looking between two of my characters who had a compatibility of 2.3, and they had nothing in common I could see. Their age was different, their chronological age was way off, they had no similar traits or skills really. Their social wasn't even that high either. I just don't understand what variables it could be when nothing seems to link. Although I have found that changing the age changes the compatibility.


I do think attraction should be more tied to gender for most people, I really don't like how apparently if 2 people get along, and are attractive, they can potentially have gay sex despite any other factors, such as morality, even if someone isn't "gay". Its unrealistic to say that, many men would refuse even if the "perfect guy" was there, just on the basis of "it isn't right".

But, hey, gay sex was added in pretty quickly and without a ton of work, so I guess I understand it being flawed.

As far as I know, attraction is based of injuries, traits like ugly / beautiful, ect, and compatibility is personality stuff, based on histories, but also randomized.

User was warned for this post: Rule #5 stay on topic.
Why to people worry about following their heart? Its lodged in your chest, you won't accidentally leave it behind.


Its bad because reasons, and if you don't know the reasons, you are horrible. You cannot ask what the reasons are or else you doubt it. But the reasons are irrefutable. Logic.


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Mumble, quit hijacking threads to rant about gender and sex.  I'm sick of you continually doing this, but if you confine it to its appropriate place (an appropriate thread in the Off Topic forum) I'll continue to allow it.


And I'm not certain what influences compatibility or attraction.  It may be influenced by Traits.  I honestly just assumed that numbers were assigned random-ish-ly.

Crowbar Felt

I think it may be trait based- at the same time it could be some pseudo-randomness. I've not yet seen people with conflicting traits like each other but people who were not alike at all get married.
Someone's organ harvested.  x5
