Cant Buy

Started by BobTheBugger, June 17, 2016, 08:34:21 PM

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I've tried on multiple occasions on different days to buy Rimworld, but it says my card was declined. I have no idea why it would be declined as i have plenty of money to buy the game. Any ideas on how to get the game?


Quote from: BobTheBugger on June 17, 2016, 08:34:21 PM
I've tried on multiple occasions on different days to buy Rimworld, but it says my card was declined. I have no idea why it would be declined as i have plenty of money to buy the game. Any ideas on how to get the game?

Did you try with paypal instead of directly with your credit/debit card?

Else you could always wait a few weeks, and purchase it via Steam. Should be there soon*

*Estimated by dev to land on Steam in July.


The card being declined is more than likely not a issue.  Double check the spelling of the name, exact billing address, etc.

If that's all correct, then like BlackSmoke said, try using or not using PayPal this time (whatever is the opposite of the broken method).

Let us know how it goes.


Quote from: BobTheBugger on June 17, 2016, 08:34:21 PM
I've tried on multiple occasions on different days to buy Rimworld, but it says my card was declined. I have no idea why it would be declined as i have plenty of money to buy the game. Any ideas on how to get the game?
Is the card you are trying to use a credit card? ie. Does it have the Visa or MasterCard logo anywhere on the card? Or is it an American Express or Discover credit card? If it is not a credit card but a debit card instead, then you might not be able to use that (although it should be fine if it has a Visa or M/C logo on it). And if it is simply a cash card (which is different to both a credit and/or debit card), then you have no chance of using it.

And as mentioned above, have you tried using PayPal yet? Since that can be the easier option whenever there are issues with getting cards accepted.


I know it is not ideal, but worst case you could wait for the Steam Release and buy it on steam. That should be coming soon, Next Month ish?



I'm having the same issue than the original poster.

I would like to encourage the developer providing a DRM-free version of his fantastic-looking game (and hopefully earn more from his hard work too).

This is why I came here, to purchase the game from the front-page (through PayPal, the 30$ option).

As far as I can tell, my PayPal  has enough money on it and works fine with other sites, since I bought a couple of GOG games a couple of hours ago.

However, my payment to Ludeon keeps being rejected (I've tried twice so far) :

The message above roughly translates into : "Your selected mode of payment has not been accepted by the vendor. Click below to return to PayPal and select another one".

I do not wish to purchase the game at full prize through Steam. I own a Steam account, and will use it to purchase the game if I can't help it, but I am probably going to want to wait for a sale if it comes with DRM.

If possible, I would really appreciate any help. Thank you.


I'm really sorry guys but I honestly have no idea. PayPal is really kind of a mystery to me.

If you have a credit card you could purchase it with Stripe. That tends to work quite well.
Tynan Sylvester - @TynanSylvester - Tynan's Blog


Hi again,

Thank you very much for checking in.

I've tried again buying your game this evening, and this time the order processed through properly :

I have no clue why it works today and it didn't before, but that's okay, as long as I can finally show Ludeon my appreciation and support in creating the kind of games that I enjoy playing and want to see more of in the future : games with a clever and user-friendly gameplay that creates memorable stories, otherwise said with "emergent" gameplay.

Since Rimworld also comes as DRM-free, it would have been "criminal" not to support you (I am actually pondering to buy an additional licence as a gift to a friend).

I wish Ludeon all the best in the future.

Thank you again.