An old desert fox

Started by Agertor, July 03, 2016, 11:14:23 PM

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The sun is as high as ever. I'm watching the ground get smaller as I take off in the ship the colony made. Not everyone was coming. So I thought I'd tell some of you kids a story about what we left behind. That's right, what, not who. Because that woman was a demon straight out of hell and I wasn't even religious before her.

We had crash landed, just some simple folk on a ship headed for an outer rim planet that we heard was doing well. Something went wrong and next thing I knew, there were 3 of us on the ground.

I was a field medic. I didnt have the guts to pick up a gun but saving a life? I wouldn't think twice. The other two were a married couple. One of them was good with a gun and had some nifty knowledge on architecture and construction. His wife, well she wasn't bad at anything, but she wasn't good either. Together the three of us managed to set up a corn field on a dirt patch we found on these sands in the desert. Food was scarce though, and while I helped where i could, fights started to break out between the husband wife and myself. I never thought I would ever hit someone but I was starving.

Whatever miracle happened there, we did not end up killing eachother and I was able to patch up our cuts and scrapes from the fights. The crops had grown in and while a little early and young, we ate like kings.

Then the demon came. By herself, she came up to our door, the husband and wife made quick work of her by ambushing her. Next she awoke, she was on a bed under my medical care. She was an older lady, around 80 years of age. I took care of her and spoke with her. While she came here originally to try and scavenge off our supplies what she could, we ended up feeding and housing her. She joined us.

This old woman seemed harmless enough, but when we gave her our only bolt action rifle, a fire lit in her eyes. Single handedly on a large scale tribal raid she managed to kill 4 before they even made it to our defensive wall. Running inside, two more were ambushed by her and the architect. Oh dear with this story I seem to forgot to mention their names. While we ended up calling her Death in the end, her name was Nina. The achritect was known as Vale and his wife's name was Erin. My name is Micheal.

With the tribals defeated swiftly, we were inside our walls at the end of the raid. In all the commotion as I watched on I saw that Nina was on the ground holding onto herself. I rushed over and saw her leg conpletely severed. We rushed her into the barracks and I began treatment immediately. Vale and Erin cleaned up the dead and threw them into the deepest part of a nearby cave we were using to refridgerate our food in the desert heat, although in the very back were two grizzlies that... Ahem.. Disposed of the bodies cleanly for us. A good trade we got for them.

Back to Nina though, I cleaned her wound and we gave her a peg leg, she laughed and gave me an argh as to imitate pirates from children's stories. But immediately she picked up her rifle. I suggested her military service to be over.

She responded as if to mock me, "Who else is going to protect you kids?" I never understood why she even cared about us. Years pass and she fought off raids as we gained more members, usually people who were running from tribals or pirates. We even found an older 84 year old man named Boomington. He was a peaceful man who loved to build. He was also a fair engineer, hell, this guy ended up tiling our base with stones he carved himself. But he couldn't hurt a fly. We asked him to slaughter some Iguanas that seemed to have comfortably made their home among us and he shook his head. He could literally not hurt a fly.

I don't know what hit it off for them but Boomington and Nina ended up marrying. Vale, Erin and I were happy for them. They aeemed very happy. Vale had carved up a bed for them, of their.. union. Either way, it was one of our nicest beds we made and we gifted it to them as their wedding gift.

Then a large pirate raid happened. I was sleeping and awoken to the sound of explosions and screaming. Nina Vale and Erin were our soldiers by this point. We had just gotten another younger girl to take up arms with them to help.

I saw horrible things that night. Vale and Erin both were burnt and crumpled and torn in the rubble of what used to be our hospital room. They must have tried to use the wall as cover before a grenade took them and the wall. Nina was backing as quickly away as she could on her peg leg. Leading them through our turrets hot zone while firing on them herself. She managed to take a good portion of them out before a grenade landed at her feet and she couldn't run away fast enough. With the monster downed, I watched as her good left leg was blown away and she was on the ground screaming. Our new recruit rushed the grenadier as he was the one of the only two left. Killing him with a swift blow on the top of his skull with the butt of her rifle. She rushed the other man after as he was trying to take Nina away. I believe the young girls name was Alysha. She had come here not that long before this raid.

She gun butted the man, forcing her to drop Nina. In the end we captured 3 pirates and I saved Nina again. With another wooden leg. I spoke with her husband Boomington, "She is still under from the medicine but I think its time she hung up her gun." Boomington nodded, holding her hand while she recuperated.

We built two graves outside the hospital room so Vale and Erin could rest together in peace. Being the last original from our ships crash made me feel quite lonely. Some time passes.

A few raids here and there but with our best soldiers gone, we are forced to rely on more automated security measures. But it works. Nina was forced to go take a different job as she just couldn't move as well anymore. But this lady in such a few short years had killed so many that I lost count after 20. She was a grim reaper. And as I leave her, Boomington and the others now. I'm going home, but I know, on a spot in the desert, she might not be able to get very far, but if you go in a certain lady's fortress. I can bet you that if you make it past the defenses, a bullet will be firmly lodged in your skull.

Mr. Ego

 You must write a book friend, i enjoyed too much.


Thank you, I wish I had money to publish. I have plenty of books over the years which only a few people have read. But life unfortunately isn't all dreams and ice cream sandwiches. Thanks for the compliment. It always sparks a fire in me to write more.

Dante King


Wow, that is great writing. I wish there was more great story tellers like you on the forums to give life to all the great stories Rimworld can offer.


Quote from: Connwaaer on July 14, 2016, 03:43:10 PM
Wow, that is great writing. I wish there was more great story tellers like you on the forums to give life to all the great stories Rimworld can offer.

It is a good inspiration, it can be harder to reimagine events into something bigger than it actually is and that is where people get blocked. Details, organization and stretching a story to make a epic is no small feat no matter the influence.

Quote from: Dante King on July 14, 2016, 12:07:05 PM
Truly glorious!

The only glory here is the fact that you enjoyed my story. Thank you.