Late game is unbearably stagnant.

Started by b0rsuk, July 09, 2016, 05:42:32 PM

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Since the subject of "theme" has come up repeatedly, I thought I'd point out that Rimworld seems to be aiming for a "space western" feel.   Which makes me think that at some point gun duels and a clocktower are needed :)  Children sort of fit in -- not in the sense of future citizens of RimTown, but rather, as motivations for the characters.  Sending out your squad to kill the pirates that just kidnapped one of the children fits perfectly.

Quote from: Tynan on July 10, 2016, 06:45:20 PM
I hear you - I think I've got a pretty decisive solution to this coming down the pipe. Currently targeting A16 (but not certain).

And I really like the sound of *this*  :)
If you give an annoying colonist a parka before banishing him to the ice sheet you'll only get a -3 penalty instead of -5.

And don't forget that the pirates chasing a refugee are often better recruits than the refugee is.


something people on this topic don't seem to get is that there is no cap to population. unless you keep on expecting the game to keep handing you people, which is unrealistic. ive gotten over 80 colonists without cheating in a12 and im well on my way in a13.


this is cassandra :


this is phoebe :


this is randy :



i'm assuming you're playing with randy?

as others have pointed out, randy is random. sometimes it gives you a fun and exciting playthrough, sometimes you have to wait years before something interesting pops up. sometimes it's "interesting" every single day even at the early game. haha

i like randy, but he's too random for late game.. lots of waiting involved (boredom and lag are my greatest enemies)


Quote from: keylocke on July 11, 2016, 08:36:57 PM
this is cassandra :


this is phoebe :


this is randy :



i'm assuming you're playing with randy?

as others have pointed out, randy is random. sometimes it gives you a fun and exciting playthrough, sometimes you have to wait years before something interesting pops up. sometimes it's "interesting" every single day even at the early game. haha

i like randy, but he's too random for late game.. lots of waiting involved (boredom and lag are my greatest enemies)

And there is the reason I tend to only play Phoebe and occasionally Cassandra both at the hardest or second to hardest settings. Phoebe almost always at some point late game does something to wipe me out... sadly. Get a nice base sat up, beautiful gardens and amazing designs. Defenses are well integrated and it is hard for raids to get through. Then some phreak of nature series of events wipes the floor of my colony clean. >.<
It matters not if we win or fail. It's that we stood and faced it.


This is Cassandra after you've edited the mod file:

If you give an annoying colonist a parka before banishing him to the ice sheet you'll only get a -3 penalty instead of -5.

And don't forget that the pirates chasing a refugee are often better recruits than the refugee is.


@shurp : yep, modified cassandra extreme is probably the most "fun" of the storytellers.


anyways, on a sidenote : i like combat, but interesting stuff doesn't necessarily have to be about combat. for me it's about story progression so that the story doesn't end up getting stagnant.

rimworld is supposedly a "story generator" rather than a "tower defense".

so even though combat is a huge and enjoyable part of the story, there's not a lot of story progression behind the reason for raids other than "yar, we be pirates. gimme yer loot!". (though i think the faction system might eventually get some much needed attention.. eventually.)

i think this lack of story progression for factions, mechanoids, the world itself, etc.. and not just individual story progression is part of the reason for lategame stagnation.

it's like eventually you reach a point where the story progression grinds to a halt and players are left waiting for "stuff to happen".

because the story of the world around you doesn't progress (although this is slightly addressed by climate change settings in a14 *cough* which we're not really allowed to discuss yet *cough*), the story of each faction doesn't seem to progress (no factions getting wiped out or new factions appearing), even your colonists themselves eventually reach a stagnation point. (yay, you got married. so what? you don't make new babies. just a constant stream of immigrants to substitute for people that died, until you forget that they actually even existed, save for that marble sarcophagus that you never really build coz cannibals think people are yummy)


I just don't think there are enough events, and I don't think events happen often enough some times.

There's a metric ton amount of possibility but events currently come down to.

It's too hot.
It's too cold.
Mad animal.
There's a trader.
There's a raid.
You can't use solar panels.
There's a storm.
There's a blight.
Good mood boost from distant AI.
Bad mood boost from distant AI.
Friendlies are visiting.
There is radiation.

There's just not enough there for the game to be as interesting without combat as it is with it.

"Allies are setting up an outpost in the area."
"Allies and raiders are skirmishing in the area. Assist them."
"A contagious virus is sweeping through the colony, isolate the infected until a cure is found".
"Space debris is crashing" (crash landing mod gave me that idea)
"A mechanoid base has been established in the area. Destroy it before their machines corrupt the ground."
"A super siege has been started! We are outnumbered 3-1."
"A flood of refugees are heading for the colony, they will need food for a few days."
"A super strain of rabies had emerged in local wildlife. Be sure not to be bitten!"
"A glitterworld starship has landed in the area for repairs. This is sure to bring unwanted attention!"
"Colonists are celebrating the colony anniversary."
"A colonist is suicidal, keep an eye on him."
"A distant settlement has deployed an EDEN device. Plant/ wildlife growth has been dramatically increased."
"The colony is now well established across the Rimworld and will become a bustling hub of trade and increased pirate interest." (5 - 6 years on with large wealth.)

I know there is still some combat orrientated suggestions there but you get the point.
The list could go on and on.
"We didn't crash here by accident... something brought us down". - Anon Rimworld Colonist


And weather has little impact on the game. Rain clears blood and dirt outside, lowers weapon accuracy. Maybe corn left outside deteriorates a little faster, not sure. Snow covers area with snow. But you don't have to remove snow from solar panels,  pawns don't become drenched and unhappy, the ground slippery. No warped furniture etc.


So you *want* sandstorms that destroy your solar panels and wind generators? ;->
If you give an annoying colonist a parka before banishing him to the ice sheet you'll only get a -3 penalty instead of -5.

And don't forget that the pirates chasing a refugee are often better recruits than the refugee is.


At least sandstorms and blizzards that make you remove snow from panels afterwards.

I don't see why a sandstorm shouldn't deal minor damage similar to frostbite. Naturally, it wouldn't start instantly like currently but you could see that a storm is coming. This part is completely absent from Rimworld - you can't predict any event, they drop on top of you with no warning whatsover.

Weather could cause breakdowns in outside machinery. Wind turbines would be a little more resistant because they're designed to work outside.


Don't most of these type games get a little stagnant towards the end?   That's when you start over on a different biome ... with different challenges and play the game differently.
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Answer: I don't want to know the answer...

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Whenever i reach such a level in game pace, i feel i win, and i simply start over. It's like this in all colony games i know. It "has to happen", sometime late game, it simply means i manage to understand the game and use all the tool to reach my goals.

I like to start over with my own goals, for example, a specific shape for the colony ( a big circle, only outside, only undercave...).


Well, at some point raids / manhunter packs become SO massive and this is way too much for my poor computer to handle. There is no way I could win that kind of fights with lag and everything. So I must play tower defense.

Here... ~ 400 wargs vs ~ 30 (moded) turrets. Randy extreme on Ice Sheet. The main problem is the map becomes cluttered with corpses, and even with 4 cooks and 4 butchers, I'm still drowning in fur or human leather.

Yes, I know, I could just cremate corpses and live happily ever after on those lavish meals. But I would just clean the map for next raid, and the next and the next...

Colony value:

Number of wargs


Colony wealth of 3.5 M in 19 hours... that's... impressive, wow.
If you give an annoying colonist a parka before banishing him to the ice sheet you'll only get a -3 penalty instead of -5.

And don't forget that the pirates chasing a refugee are often better recruits than the refugee is.


Yeah called this problem out several alphas back, haven't seen a fix for it.

I love dwarf fortress also and it's one of the reasons I was one of the proponents for Z levels in rimworld. Great to see nicer graphics, but it's unfortunately at the expense of a lot of gameplay.