Tribal vs Colony

Started by captainradish, July 16, 2016, 07:26:58 PM

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any way to change the tech setting to normal if playing a tribal game? - got fed up with it after a while hoping that bringing in a normal non tribal person would make him research normally


I think changing <techLevel>Neolithic</techLevel> to <techLevel>Industrial</techLevel> in Factions_Player.xml would do it. Probably a good idea to test it in a new game as opposed to a save though since I'm not sure.


Was a fun challenge .
I think the Basic crafting spot need a boost by add spears and pila's (javelins).
Maybe also have Metallurgy (for steel) and Adv Metallurgy ( Plasteel ) to Research to keep it more  Tribal longer

but think it comes down to your own personal End Game conditions
I can still launch in 1-4 games yrs just to be Tribal somewhere else lol  :P 


I've been going through this challenge. One thing to keep in mind is artificial limbs must be bought. At one point, I had two disabled prisoners and one colonist... but then pack of manhunting wargs killed one of the prisoners. That was cool. Now I only need to find two peg legs.