What does climate cycle actually do?

Started by AllenWL, July 17, 2016, 06:21:08 AM

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I'm trying to make a scenario where the temperature keeps on dropping forever, and I'm wondering if climate cycle will help.
The description reads 'makes the world get warmer and cooler over a period of years'.
But I'm not quite sure what that's supposed to mean...


i think it cycles your average temperatures ranging from extremely hot to extremely cold. so it mostly depends on what part of the cycle you are on.

ie : you can experience temperatures that are as hot as extreme desert, and then eventually get as cold as an ice sheet all in the same map.

iirc, the cycles take very long to shift. so you could spend around a year or more under extreme temperatures.


So it won't stay really cold, but eventually get really hot before getting really cold again?


Quote from: keylocke on July 17, 2016, 01:03:32 PM
i think it cycles your average temperatures ranging from extremely hot to extremely cold. so it mostly depends on what part of the cycle you are on.

ie : you can experience temperatures that are as hot as extreme desert, and then eventually get as cold as an ice sheet all in the same map.

iirc, the cycles take very long to shift. so you could spend around a year or more under extreme temperatures.
So, it's simply like Don't Starve, where Summer causes oven-like tempatures and Winter causes sub-zero tempatures.

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Check out Marvin's Solar Apocalypse and Rogue planet mod. Does exactly what you are proposing.


I knew that Solar Apocalypse went up in temperature forever. Which one goes down?

Anyway, that would be a relatively easy mod to write. I've been testing a permanent map condition I call "WickedWinters," that makes winters especially cold, but doesn't touch the summer period. MapConditions aren't very hard to write at all.
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Quote from: Helpful Bot on September 07, 2016, 02:16:56 PM
Check out Marvin's Solar Apocalypse and Rogue planet mod. Does exactly what you are proposing.

I've looked at his mod and I don't care for the planet-killer portion of it.  I'm a little more than surprised that there isn't one that mimics ASOIAF climate cycles, but most games don't last years.

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So when I first started modding I wanted to make the temperature swing harder to both extremes. The issue is that the climate system has quite a few variables factoring into it and I felt that modding it would present a large opportunity for bugs and issues to occur. Thus I made and released my Hyperthermia and Hoarfrost mods that just makes the Heat Wave and Cold Snap events more severe. While my solution doesn't increase the general climate difficulty or address your objective of winters that grow progressively colder (They should in vanilla to a lesser extent), it does make periodic climate events truly something to worry about.

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Another issue that can crop up is Biome designations. If you change the climate mechanics in a way that changes a given world tile's average temperature you also can change the Biome type. Which I guess isn't the biggest deal but its something to consider.


RW is divided into 60 days a year. The game always knows which day of the year it is, 0-59. So I simply implemented a static array, that offsets the current temperature based on day of the year. It was pretty easy-peasy. The current implementation does that only to make Winter days more wintry, but it could easily be modified to model a planet with an extremely elliptical orbit: more wintry Winters, and hotter summers. I'll post it in the next few days, but I think it's stable at this point.
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Quote from: John_Bigless on September 07, 2016, 02:05:14 PM
So, it's simply like Don't Starve, where Summer causes oven-like tempatures and Winter causes sub-zero tempatures.

Yep just like Canada
Everything burns.


Quote from: Generalkrunk on September 09, 2016, 07:23:24 AM
Quote from: John_Bigless on September 07, 2016, 02:05:14 PM
So, it's simply like Don't Starve, where Summer causes oven-like tempatures and Winter causes sub-zero tempatures.

Yep just like Canada
