Moving default objects to different menus.

Started by grillv20, July 18, 2016, 06:16:33 PM

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I apologize in advance if this has been answered in a thread already. I've been looking all afternoon for a thread about my specific problem without any luck. Anyways, I made food menu and ported all of my mod food creation benches over to it but I'm trying to move some of the vanilla benches over to the tab as well but its not working with the same methods that I tried. Is there an XML somewhere that I need to change? I tried the default "core" mod folder but it isn't moving the items that I wish to move. Am I supposed to do this somewhere else?


You can either override the core defs (copy the ones you want to change into your mod) and change their designationCategory or use CCL, create a ModHelperDef and use ThingDefAvailability to change the designation category in a mod-friendly way.
(2*b)||!(2*b) - That is the question.
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Wow, thanks for the quick reply! I will go give it a try and report back.


Problem solved. Figured I would post how I figured out what was going wrong. I had a mod that was intefering with it. Like an idiot I forgot to go through individually enabling mods one by one to make sure there were no difficulties. Anyways, thanks for the help!

Fluffy (l2032)

@grill; keep in mind that doing this in XML is not necessarily a good idea, for the exact reason it didn't work for you. You're introducing a conflict with every other mod that changes those buildings. Since you're only changing their category, I'd say those conflicts are unnecessary.

You should really try doing this with CCL, as CCL can change only the category, and leave changes made by other mods intact.