What a game :)

Started by count_zero99uk, July 23, 2016, 11:44:35 AM

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Just started playing, really having fun watching my people die of heatstroke, or infection, or killer rabbits.

The game looks like its going to take a long time to learn which is great, one thing that has confused me and thats the world map.  As we pick our crash site if we pick somewhere far from other colonies will it take longer for us to be raided?  Is there a way to expand outside your area?  Im thinking of the tribal start.  Or even the Rich Tourist subjugating a planet :)  Or is it purely there as a way to provide a mixed list of starting situations and if so why not just have a list of drop downs with terrain types in etc.

Would love to know.

Anyway time to start again :)
laters all.


I'm not sure about raid frequency, but it does affect the direction they're coming from. But it's confusing. On world map West is to the right, on game screen it's to the left. Or something like that, watch the shadows.


The world map position doesn't affect raids or traders at all.

Glad you like the game though!
Tynan Sylvester - @TynanSylvester - Tynan's Blog


So is there a way to get multiple colonies on one planet? Are there any plans to make your games expand?