just a little bit of a story

Started by Mendel, August 07, 2016, 06:48:57 PM

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So a picture tells most of the story but I´ll also tell what´s going on here

Vere, I call him mister fancypants now though, he always wanted a fancy bedroom.

So I thought I´d give him carpets and statues and such. Here he is sulking on his fancy seat next to his personal table, dreaming of actually impressive bedroom. So. I was trying to make it bigger but its a bit of a work in progress. He is not impressed.

Meanwhile Raven, one of my former prisoners was the only person in the base without a light in her bedroom. She went pyromaniac and marched right into mr fancypants room and tried to set his fancy seat on fire. repeatedly.

Luckily though... Wicked, the crime lord who just recently meleed a crashed ship down is on duty to protect his client mr fancypants. You see, mr fancypants sometimes lets Wicked in his room to watch his statues. So wicked put the fire out every time.

Okay so I ended up having to draft him so he doesnt go to do other things but yeah...