How can I tell what happened in the past to my colonists?

Started by zman97211, July 29, 2016, 01:23:55 PM

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I've only been playing for a few hours. Off-screen, two of my colonists somehow got injured. I had to search around for a while before finally looking at their social window, and apparently one slighted the other and started a fight (which explains the bruised fists).

Is there an easier way to know what happened? I was hoping for something like an event log, but can't find anything. Google searches come up with change logs and such regarding development, but that's not what I'm looking for.


As far as I know there is yet to be an event log, but that is definitely a highly requested feature.


Another thing I find odd is there seems to be 3 ways to communicate events to the player. There are (rarely) messages in the upper left corner of the screen (and more often than those messages is a tutorial message about clicking on them). There are the messages on the lower right like "Not enough beds". Then there are the "letters" just below that (like "Raid", with the red square behind it with the brackets). None of those showed this fight (that I noticed).


Social fights are announced through the messages in the upper left corner. Though they are often over very quickly (especially when you are playing in fast forward), thus it's easy to miss them.


Social fight notifications pop up in the upper left. It's likely you just missed it.

Having the three different locations is a little odd, but each one serves a different function. Upper left is low-priority messages, and tend to be a bit wordier (since the space is less constrained). Lower right is either persistent notifications (Need beds, etc) or high-priority notifications (Raid, Traders, Bzzt!, etc)

A proper event log is crucial to a game like this, and I'm sure Tynan has seen the many requests; Hopefully it's on his to-do list, probably a bit further down the road. While I'm personally less interested in an in-game solution, I can definitely see the utility of being able to scroll in-game for events. My personal interests lie in having a summary of events, so I can summarize or storify the game. I tried keeping a daily written log, but it gets really tedious, and I often lost track of time during crises or reasonably slow periods, either one.

Mikhail Reign

I miss 90% of the ones that come through in the top left. I really wish that everything just came through as the letter things. Just make them different colours... That they they stay around until I read them. Sometime I pause it on the noise, but finish what I'm doing, accidentally unpause and by then I have no idea what had happened.