Recipe Mod Question

Started by madpluck, March 01, 2014, 12:58:27 AM

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Okay so I want to add another food recipe to the cook stove, one that produces a "salad" from two different plant ingredients. Can't figure out how to make the option to cook it show up in game. Can someone take a look at it and let me know what I'm doing wrong?

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You have to go into buildings_furniture, find cooking stove, and add your recipe to the list of available bills.

<ThingDef ParentName="BuildingBase">
<Label>Cook stove</Label>
<Description>A simple stove and attached countertops for preparing meals from simpler ingredients.</Description>


and add your recipe to this list


Hope that helps.


Awesome, thank you! It now works in-game and spawns a fine meal with 14 veggie ingredients instead of veggies and meat. But so far they just take 14 of the same; is there a way to force them to use two different plant ingredients?