(SOLVED)Haulers not moving animals bodies to stockpile

Started by Protokohl, August 03, 2016, 08:43:36 AM

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As stated in the the title. I have animal corpses rotting from toxic fallout and people are unhappy, I alos have a tonne of skeletons everywhere, I want to put them in a stockpile in an area rarely used. So I set up the stockpile set it too accept animals corpses I then select my colonist and right-click on the animal corpse I have eat it or there is no grave configured to store animals corpses. What gives? What am I doing wrong?



Some things you can check:

Did you use 'storage pile' instead of 'dumping zone'? In the stockpile you need to allow rotten I think.
Is your pawn a hauler?


A stockpile with "animal corpses" ticked will only accept non-rotten non-dessicated corpses unless "allow rotten" (very top of stockpile menu) is also checked.


o.O oh I see well there is my issue. Thnx guys!


Duh. So obvious now. I had the same issue where skeletons of dead raiders weren't moved to a "graveyard"