Space Travel! moving to unlimited amount of new planets

Started by blazekiller102, March 05, 2014, 09:25:37 PM

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What i thought would be awesome to add is star systems you can move to and build bases on each of them make one your primary base and move to different planets (but only like 6 different planets or less so there would be less lag or even just moving to different planets) and being able to find raider planets or make space stations raid real cities or other colonies it is almost unlimited for what you could do! and different planets do/have different things  and you could build a small ship and just go to other planets your star system until you get a upgrade to jump to different star systems like in the game Starbound:


Yea, because if I was to build a space ship, I'd want to randomly crash into another nearly uninhabitable planet and starve to death trying to build another space ship so I could just crash into the next uninhabitable planet.  Right?  I knew from reading the title this was a Starbound reference.  :P  I didn't even read the post.  xD
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I think a single colony is already big enough in scope without adding this sort of feature in. I don't really want to hop around between planets...
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Beautiful idea. it will look a little like starbound, but this is more fun


Quote from: Vas on March 06, 2014, 01:16:14 AM
Yea, because if I was to build a space ship, I'd want to randomly crash into another nearly uninhabitable planet and starve to death trying to build another space ship so I could just crash into the next uninhabitable planet.  Right?  I knew from reading the title this was a Starbound reference.  :P  I didn't even read the post.  xD
Why comment about how bad it is if you haven't even read the post
and my point is it would be a great area to expand on the game play


I thought this game was about colonising a planet, not the space.
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Quote from: Darker on March 09, 2014, 06:15:44 AM
I thought this game was about colonising a planet, not the space.

Exactly this.

Rimworld is less a colony game and almost more of a survival game, the way Tynan wants it done. It's supposed to be about surviving long enough to be able to get off the planet and back to civilization, not so much creating your own. Maybe, and it's a real big maybe, the story could resolve in a Starbound fashion, where you have to temporarily colonise other planets in order to refuel the ship you've built, but I don't see Tynan ever turning this into a stellar empire building game.


 I hope to have the choice, leaving that rock or having the colonists to think, "what was i anyways, i'm wanted back on my home or what i achieve here is more noticeable than it will ever be on the overcrowded civilized world from where i came", and being able to transform that little camp into a town with a regional influence, i'm thinking about Fallout 2 with the NCR and Vault City, when they begin to expand their influence over others settlements like Redding.

It imply of course that there will be other settlements, thing i personnaly believe, since multiple factions are implemented.

Or maybe, most of your colonists are rascals and you end up doing a pirate/raider hideout, big enough to hide and resupply some pirate space craft, and got a share of the loot.

In both case, it can become an eldorado, where someone may meet it fortune or demise, attracting poor souls that have nothing to lose and everything to win. Because, in the "civilized" world, they are already dead in some way.

At the end, it will all depend of the scale the game will have.


I think this would be a great feature or at least the option to be "the bad guys" and raid colony on other planets and i think the ship building would be end game and would be great because at the end of the game it gets stale and at this point the game does not have a lot of replayablity to go back and play for hours because there isnt a lot to do ATM so being able to go to new worlds with aliens hostile/passive would be good not knowing and being new each time


I think the best way to implement this would be; At your end game you can decide to build a ship to escape the planet and must choose 3 colonists and some supplies as that's all the ship can hold. Then you can start a new game with those colonists and supplies ending up on another planet. This would of course be better after more biomes are implemented.

Then maybe special events can happen such as colonists from your last group deciding to join you or factions you pissed off before tracking down your new colony.

However just freely jumping around from planet to planet wouldn't be something I'd want any focus to go towards because it doesn't seem like a worthwhile feature in this type of game.


Quote from: emraldilian on March 15, 2014, 10:39:07 PM
Then maybe special events can happen such as colonists from your last group deciding to join you or factions you pissed off before tracking down your new colony.
Or in fact, colonists you left behind could show up to be a Raider or Traveler. The game could presumably keep their stats and equipment and have them spawn with it intact. If Raider, then killing them could presumably net a bigger penalty to happiness. If Traveler, then persuading them to join back into the colony could be easier, or harder depending on their traits. Like, why would they join if they're going to be left behind again?
I like how this game can result in quotes that would be quite unnerving when said in public, out of context. - Myself

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I feel this is a fantastic end-game goal for when you have mastered the current game. You could take a few colonists 3-6 and jump to another planet with a bit more resources, better colonists, and a fresh start.

This could be huge for replay value... especially with more unique planets.
Lets Crashland Here Simulator!


I agree with the idea of starting fresh im just saying there is so much you could do with it i would love to be a raider


Quote from: blazekiller102 on March 18, 2014, 11:17:41 PM
I agree with the idea of starting fresh im just saying there is so much you could do with it i would love to be a raider

this might not be a bad idea for one of the many proposed multiplayer modes :

ie : players can choose to be either offense or defense.

if you choose offense, then your colonists would drop down as raiders on the map of the defending player. if you choose defense, then you would have to defend your base against the enemy raiders.

i believe someone has made a similar suggestion before. (i forgot who)


Don't take this personally but.
This is a very bad idea. Its about the planet not a star system. Hes not even done with the world gen yet, it will be dwarf fortress style world gen.With factions/regions/biomes. 1 world is enough.
So dwarf fortress in space eh?
I love it.
I love it so much.
Please keep it that way.

Hey Guys, Here is the first succession Game of rim world for your reading Pleasure, it is in progress right now