It's as difficult as you make it

Started by Thunder Rahja, March 07, 2014, 07:16:13 PM

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Thunder Rahja

Whether you decide to build out in the open with individually constructed buildings, a single large compound in the side of the mountain, or completely underground with narrow passages.

Whether your defense strategy is to bombard raiders with a line of defense turrets, surround yourself with a thick rock wall, wall off the raiders from even getting to you, or just rely on your colonists to pick off raiders while taking cover at a wall corner.

I've done all of the above, and I like to vary how I do things each time. Though I tend to only build 2-4 sentries, if any, to protect a choke point, and mainly rely on using doorways for cover. Pistols are great for this, allowing you to get a shot off and slip back into cover before raiders with heavier weapons can retaliate.

How do you handle raiders?


Well... That whole mountain thing is so hard for me. If i give them a normal amount of digging in the mountain, they die from hunger/mentalbreak/ or it takes to long and then raiders kill my colonists.


Quote from: Thunder1 on March 07, 2014, 07:16:13 PM
Whether you decide to build out in the open with individually constructed buildings

I'd not thought of that one. The resource cost for all that conduit must be horrendous. The defensive possibilities sound terrible. I've got to try that.

I've been looking for a new challenge.

Your general point is completely true though.


Ever since Alpha 2 came out the problem isn't raiders anymore, its food.


The food problem is all about re-learning how to farm. Hydroponics tables aren't the be all, end all like they used to be.

Exterior farming with a sun lamp will have you swimming in food like alpha 1 in short order. A sun lamp will provide the "bright lit" buff for all but the corners of an 11x11 field. A single 7x7 field will feed any Cas/Cleo sized colony forever. Note, you need to start it off first thing when you land. I plot out my farm even before I plan out my base. You will want to get a roof, solar collector and a battery up at the same time. The roof is important to stop the lamp and the battery from shorting and setting your field on fire. Once the field is roofed, you can deconstruct all but the corners of the walls if you want to reclaim some of the metal.