To make wind turbine better : visual hint for wind direction

Started by Kegereneku, August 21, 2016, 06:49:59 AM

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All is really in the title. You get visual hint, and get a wind bonus for building in the right (map-defined) main direction.

Alternatively : Make the Wind turbine autorotate along the map-defined strong wind. (with weather base change of direction)
Of course, it will make harder to use wind turbine so I suggest a buff as well and VISUAL HINT to know the direction of the wind.
This should encourage adapting to our environment and make for more natural cluster of windmill.

Last suggestion for planetary-generation : some biome considered "WINDY"
My reasoning being that you could get to choose whether solar, wind, geothermal or fuel is better before choosing the crash site.
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Peng Qi

They should also be a lot more effective in narrow gaps between hills/mountains.


Well I preferred to suggest "Windy" as a biomes trait because you'll hardly ask Tynan to calculate and simulate air dynamic withing pseudo-mountain, even less out of cubic element.
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Having some maps better than others for different power types would certainly have me mixing up my power grid a lot more than I do now.

Quote from: Peng Qi on August 21, 2016, 07:19:09 AM
They should also be a lot more effective in narrow gaps between hills/mountains.
Could probably do something like it currently does with checking for obstructions. So, clear path to the front and back makes for better wind, but obstructions on the sides would also boost wind power. Easy to do, since there are no really novel mechanics needed.


I like the idea, because I would like a better overview over the whole weather.

A thermostation, maybe as research, you can now see the outside weather as thermometer, a small compass with wind direction and in the background the current weather condition ( sunny, rainy, foggy .. )
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i like suggestions that makes the game a bit more realistic and less "gamey" so +1 on this.

this is also the reason why i don't like seeing faraway raiders as if i got omniscience, or the lack of water/hygiene, or the lack of kids, or the lack of z-levels, or the lack of ammo, or the lack of clothing repair, etc..

i like rimworld to bits, but if a new game suddenly struts along with rimworld RTS + colony sim + all the other stuff i mentioned, then yep i'm gonna play that game to bits as well.


This kind of changes would drastically change balance and I feel it should be combined with other changes. Like how solarpanels work. Now they seem to produce same amount of energy year round, but in reality they would produce drastically less energy during winters, as days would be shorter and snow covers them. So I think they'd need more maintenance and cleaning year round (snow, lichen, dust), which would make them bad choice on tundra. Tundras would be in turn "windy", giving windmills natural edge.

Like I said, everything should be balanced again. Maybe wind would be overall more constant, at least in non-mountainous areas. Solar panels could be more reliable and almost never broke down on their own. Large number of Geothermal wents would make some events nore likely, as the map is more active (Lava?). And lastly, almost anything could be burned down in fuel generators, expect metal , stone and bodies.


Yeah, I would modify/tweak solar panels before I touched wind turbines. Their discrepancies are more noticeable.

(That and technically, wind turbines turn to face the wind.)