How To Roll Joints?

Started by pdxsean, August 18, 2016, 02:05:22 PM

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Quote from: Tynan on August 19, 2016, 08:01:18 PM
Quote from: cultist on August 19, 2016, 07:51:03 PM
Bongs/pipes should probably be the standard. Joints - like cheeseburgers - are only really practical in a highly industrialized society that has a lot of specialized manufacturing. Good quality rolling paper is pretty hard to manufacture in your backyard.

I'm willing to suspend my disbelief though. :p

This is interesting to me. I assumed joints were quite simple.

So how would people in primitive societies have smoked these things? Just pipes?

I would agree with cultist on this. Indians had peace pipes and primitive wood, bone, reed pipes would probably be before joints. single or short term use.

I haven't tried 15 yet so dont know how it works but smoking a pipe should take longer than a joint.


Wow. ReZpawner, do me a favor; if he added you on steam and then threatened you, please report him. That sort of behavior is unacceptable, regardless of who's doing it.

Responding to your comment mumblemumble, I agree with you that it ought to have repercussions, though due to the remote nature of a rimworld, probably less legal action so much as a relationship penalty with things like outworlder towns. (I figure, if a government there can't be bothered to rescue its citizens sitting on a gold mine, it also probably wouldn't bother hunting down three guys growing opium in their back yard.)

I will say that I find it amusing, as others have pointed out, that cannibalism, slavery, sex, organ harvesting, and blatant warfare elicited no visible reaction while drugs gave a big one. I'm especially interested at the accusation of a liberal agenda, rather than allowing a simulation to be a simulation; something's presence in a fictional work does not necessarily condone the thing itself, after all. In my mind, adding things like drugs is not dissimilar to adding things like cannibalism; it's not saying, "Hey guys! It's okay to eat people!" It's just adding one more twist to the survival scenario. Like, "Okay, guys. You know an attack is coming. Of your five colonists, the only one who's a good shot is down with malaria. So you have a choice: face extermination, or meth out to try to take on the raiders?"

That's just my opinion, though. ^ ^ I doubt there's an absolute right or wrong answer to any of these things, but what's the Internet without strangers shouting their opinion at you? :p


Legal action I reserve as a possibility only in the context of LARGE SCALE sales to INTERSTELLER ships. So selling over 300 doses routinely, to the point a regular sales channel would be made, and other, more developed planets might complain of people being addicted, and try to eradicate the source. Of course selling 30 doses won't do much but give a ship crew something to do, but large, LARGE scales would mean a good chance to start channels to other planets. Shipping in larger scales is more economical, where as selling someone a couple rocks wouldn't make it to a planet, or even be worth picking up unless someone on the ship wanted to smoke it.
Why to people worry about following their heart? Its lodged in your chest, you won't accidentally leave it behind.


Its bad because reasons, and if you don't know the reasons, you are horrible. You cannot ask what the reasons are or else you doubt it. But the reasons are irrefutable. Logic.


Quote from: ReZpawner on August 20, 2016, 06:40:08 PM
Wow, I don't say this enough, but wow, what a complete and utter twat that guy is. He even added me on steam to threaten me.

Definitely report this to Steam, he wouldn't hesitate if the role was reversed. People like him should not be allowed to communicate with others on the internet.



Why is so hard to understand?
You have access to drugs in several games, but you are NOT forced to use then (in most games, so do force you to)!
The more options you have, closer to freedom of choise you have!


I will say, i wish drugs were much worse of a deal. In reality drug use really fucks with people, health, relationship, can cause mental illness, learning problems, ect

Its not JUST overdose, and risk of addiction.

Maybe if overdoses could cause minor chances of brain damage BEFORE death, that would be interesting, maybe in very small increments with very SMALL chance at normal doses for small increments of brain damage, and larger chance at high doses, as well as higher increments of damage at extreme  levels
Why to people worry about following their heart? Its lodged in your chest, you won't accidentally leave it behind.


Its bad because reasons, and if you don't know the reasons, you are horrible. You cannot ask what the reasons are or else you doubt it. But the reasons are irrefutable. Logic.


Quote from: mumblemumble on August 21, 2016, 11:05:31 PM
I will say, i wish drugs were much worse of a deal. In reality drug use really fucks with people, health, relationship, can cause mental illness, learning problems, ect

Its not JUST overdose, and risk of addiction.

Maybe if overdoses could cause minor chances of brain damage BEFORE death, that would be interesting, maybe in very small increments with very SMALL chance at normal doses for small increments of brain damage, and larger chance at high doses, as well as higher increments of damage at extreme  levels

I really don't agree with the idea that if something (in this case a video game) is not pushing an anti-drug agenda, it's automatically pushing a pro-drug agenda. Replace "drug" with any hot-button topic if you wish.
Can we just agree that this is primarily a moral issue and that colony morals should be left to the player, not hard-coded into the game?


Who said pushing anti drug agenda? Are you saying REALITY pushes an anti drug agenda? Because, you know, IT IS TRUE!

These effects are very real, so are you trying to say you want to deny reality to NOT seem anti drug? Because this is flat out stupid.

I want to push reality, in all its forms.
Why to people worry about following their heart? Its lodged in your chest, you won't accidentally leave it behind.


Its bad because reasons, and if you don't know the reasons, you are horrible. You cannot ask what the reasons are or else you doubt it. But the reasons are irrefutable. Logic.


Quote from: nuschler22 on August 20, 2016, 12:28:27 AM
I've gotten sick of the liberal and political agenda of this game.

I play games to distract me. 

You can play how you want. You even get a setting where you can determine which (if any) drugs your pawns can use - this includes beer, for example. So if you want a tea-total, drug free colony: go for it. If you want to get your addicts stoned on Captagon before a fight, well there's that option too. What's wrong with emulating reality? No one is forcing anything on you if you don't want it. If a trader comes to your area and offers to sell you joints or marijuana - you really don't HAVE to buy them.


I Pm'd him stating that fact, didn't get a response so either he doesn't know how to recieve a pm or he was just trying to start shit.
Claims to know most things.


Quote from: brcruchairman on August 20, 2016, 10:21:31 PM
- snip -

I will say that I find it amusing, as others have pointed out, that cannibalism, slavery, sex, organ harvesting, and blatant warfare elicited no visible reaction while drugs gave a big one...

I'm not sure if this has been said before, but the reaction makes sense.  We pretty much all agree that cannibalism, slavery, and organ harvesting IRL are bad things, but they're also very far outside of our experience.  Warfare certainly isn't good, and it's also pretty removed from our daily lives (for most of us).  Sex is a more complicated issue, but it's also seeing acceptance to varying degrees within the gaming community.

That leaves drugs.  Drugs are rejected by some, embraced by some, and tolerated by some.  Drugs are illegal, and yet they seem to be everywhere.  It's not at all a black-and-white issue, and anywhere the media is involved there's always a big deal made about them.  So the reaction makes sense to me.


Quote from: milon on August 24, 2016, 10:16:04 AM
That leaves drugs.  Drugs are rejected by some, embraced by some, and tolerated by some.

And some people have drugs pushed on them or forced down their throats because they are in someone else's 'care.'  There may be people who want or need drugs(prescription or otherwise) and have no means to procure them.  There are a lot of individuals that are medicated that never get wise to the fact and it becomes a new standard of living.

QuoteDrugs are illegal, and yet they seem to be everywhere.  It's not at all a black-and-white issue, and anywhere the media is involved there's always a big deal made about them.  So the reaction makes sense to me.

There are both legal and illegal drugs.  A lot of prescriptions have worse side effects than some illicit and illegal drugs.  The legality of drugs depends on where you live; which politicians could be bought and paid for by Big Pharma.  It's all gray.


^ That's true.  I was only talking about recreational non-prescription narcotics, but I guess it's true of the "legal" ones as well.


Related: I was somewhat surprised to see the names of drugs changed to more generic, non-offensive fantasy analogues. This is mildly disappointing. I know Tynan does not wish to mire his game in controversy, but it was refreshing to see a game that was unafraid to call a spade, a spade. Do not bow to censorious pressure! It is all too common in this year of our lord 2016.

As a libertarian I am all for people making their own choices, including what to do with the body your brain cruises around in. I'm pro-drug use and it was joyous, if only momentarily, to see them in the game. I'm sure if nothing else, the modding community will bring them back, like Xerigum.