Surgery needs a buff/rework badly

Started by JaxelT, August 19, 2016, 04:51:55 PM

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Quote from: Zalzany on August 29, 2016, 02:52:37 PM
Real question is why are doing so much hardcore surgery? Seriously never had issues with peg legs and what not. You running mods so you can install bionic hearts and spines or what? I mean the odds are so random if you got a good set up I know pisses you off but you are probably the scum save types anyways. It is not like its x-com where it set in stone if that 99% chance to hit misses every time you reload it, it will miss. These screw ups are what keeps the game from being boring if every thing ran like your colonists were machines not people it would dull as hell. Maybe you should play sims or something else...
Most people expect colonists to be semi-competent when they're regarded as "master".


Quote from: Icarus on August 29, 2016, 04:42:38 PM
Most people expect colonists to be semi-competent when they're regarded as "master".

This is a problem with ALL of the skills in-game.

I had a colonist with such high levels of shooting, he was called a "planetary class master". I thought, hey, great.

Missed 3 times out of 4 when hunting, to the point that I would literally micro him into the "best" position, aka right next to the animal, and would miss all the time in combat.

Colonists, even when explicitly described as professionals on skill mouseover, are hilariously incompetent.