strength and learning tied to body parts

Started by Orthum, August 24, 2016, 06:51:41 PM

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On my phone so my grammar may suffer.

My thought is tying strength directly to different body parts. Ie you lost your arm, and you were very strong, now you have a cheap prosthetic and have almost no strength from that arm.

And a similar buff for the brain, to give a little more variety to the pawns. (Too smart can be left in as an advanced form of it). 

Maybe similar to the quality system but with organs. Ie Johns smart and fast, but his kidneys are really not helping him to survive. So he can replace his failing kidneys with someone else's.

Thoughts on this?


This is what the Manipulation and Consciousness stats already do.

When someone loses an arm, their Manipulation drops like a rock. Brain injuries (among other things) affect Consciousness. High quality prosthetics boost these stats to higher than baseline levels.


Im thinking more like natural variation vs bionic enhancement


Natural variation is represented through the trait system, and once old age hits it's represented through the trait and injury system.