[request] Save/Load Mod list order

Started by bazalisk, August 11, 2016, 06:26:27 AM

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Anyone fancy adding a mod that allows us to mount and unmount mod lists?

soooo very tired for pressing tiny yellow triangles only to find i moved one mod to far among the 100s i have mounted :( 

so a mod that lets to export your current mod loadout and then later reload it back in would be awesome.


Hey, I'm taking that but as a Windows application instead of mod

Edit: Apparently one already exists> https://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?topic=7188.0
But as the one I started making before I noticed will work with a different purpose I will make it if I have time.
QuoteYou may need a rubber duck.  Also, try some caveman debugging.

Released mods: No Mood Loss on Prisoner Sold or Died

Master Bucketsmith

A15 also allows you to drag items in the list, so that's a little bit better, but not a total solution.


There's actually a way to sort of do this in Vanilla.

Another thing I noticed is that the way the mod order is saved in your .rws save file under <modIds> is the same as <activeMods> in ModsConfig.xml, meaning you should be able to use a text editor to highlight then copy everything between <modIds> and </modIds> and then paste over everything between <activeMods> and </activeMods>.

Not sure if this helps.