I'd like a different win condition for tribes

Started by Reize81, August 29, 2016, 04:56:40 AM

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I love to play as an unpowered tribe. Unfortunately you cannot exist like this for much more than a year - at least not in desert or tundra biomes.

I would love to see the tribe theme expanded. Why would a tribe want to build a space ship to escape the planet ? I think a tribe needs a different win option. Something spiritual. Perhaps like bulding a mega-totem to their god or a massive temple. Like Angkor Wat or the pyramids or the temple of Jerusalem. Something that needs massive amounts of stone and wood and gold and jade but no electricity.

I would like it if tribes couldn't research electricity. The should have their own research tree. Like more elaborate guerilla traps or effective poisons. Maybe they should be able to research real slave trade without penalties - or even blood sacrifices to boost moods. Yeah I'd definitely would love some blood sacrifices. So the research tree for tribes should be more religious/spiritual and more biological/down to earth. They could research other things than pemmican to make food last. Like holes in the ground that can be sealed of (like cryo pods) where fermented food can be stored for a long time (cabbage) or the ability to dry meat in the sun to make it last. They could research totems that instill fear in attackers to give them an accuracy penalty or make them flee earlier.

To balance everything of I would set tribes to be more hunter/gatherer: Disable growing zones and as I said electricity for tribes but give them more efficient ways to gather food from the native environment. They could use all the parts of an animal instead of just the meat. Like fat an bone marrow. Especially fat to make food last. Or they could just get mor meat from any given animal or the ability to cook with leather (like the pirates did).

I still like them to use captured weaponry and clothing. Like the native americans did. Imagine Winnetou with a charge rifle instead of the Silberbüchse (silver gun). I like that image.


This seems like it would be an interesting idea, but some tribes do grow crops. Maybe they could have tribe only crops? Or crops would depend on biome.


The main aspect of being a hunter-gatherer group is that you essentially have to be nomadic. When, not if, you deplete the local region of animals and plants, you have to be able to move to another region.

That is pretty much never going to happen in Rimworld.

Besides, there is no reason why Tribals in Rimworld can't grow crops. They are largely based off Native Americans, who were very skilled at agriculture.

Tribal =/= primitive. Not necessarily.


The mega-totem as a "win condition" is great, I'd really like to see a Modder put that into the game.


The reason for it being a win condition could be that the culture of the tribe says that you can't have a permanent nation/base/civilization/town/whatever for very long because it would be disrespectful to the gods or something like that.
Quote from: Tynan on December 02, 2016, 05:24:06 PM
This is like being in a remote fishing town in Libera and asking, "Why can't I just pay one of the fishermen $10 to take me back to Los Angeles?"


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Maybe become the strongest tribe by building said totem, basicly making you unatacable as everyone would be too scared as they would think their gods would smite them.