Started by MerlosTheMad, August 29, 2016, 09:30:49 AM

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This glitch seems to be just visual, because the mountains are totally still there. Reloading the game and the save did nothing. I have noooo idea what's wrong. All I did was reload an autosave...

Here's a screenshot.

Am I crazy or did I press a hotkey that hides mountains?


Erosion maybe? Or...

1 - Has your computer done any sort of automatic update of video drivers recently?
2 - Does this problem exist when starting a new map?...
2a - ...or is it only affecting that particular autosave? (if only this one save game, then can you please post this save file?)
3 - Are all the different mountain types affected, or is it only one type in particular? (the mountains in the screenshot appear to all be of one type, but that might just be part of the glitch).
4 - Does the log while show any errors? And if it possible for you to please attach the log file?
5 - What O/S are you using?
6 - What version of RimWorld are you running, and are you using any mods?

I think that covers most of the obvious troubleshooting questions. I've also moved this thread to Support since at the moment this seems more likely to be a video driver O/S error than something to do with the code.


Quote from: Calahan on August 29, 2016, 10:16:21 AM
Erosion maybe? Or...

1 - Has your computer done any sort of automatic update of video drivers recently?
2 - Does this problem exist when starting a new map?...
2a - ...or is it only affecting that particular autosave? (if only this one save game, then can you please post this save file?)
3 - Are all the different mountain types affected, or is it only one type in particular? (the mountains in the screenshot appear to all be of one type, but that might just be part of the glitch).
4 - Does the log while show any errors? And if it possible for you to please attach the log file?
5 - What O/S are you using?
6 - What version of RimWorld are you running, and are you using any mods?

I think that covers most of the obvious troubleshooting questions. I've also moved this thread to Support since at the moment this seems more likely to be a video driver O/S error than something to do with the code.

1 - Not that I noticed.
2 - Yup, started a few maps and every time the map spawns it's fine, but upon a reload of any save manual/auto they disappear.
3 - Yeah it's always all mountains
4 - Ah yes the log, one sec. Huh. Yeah the debug menu is a mess. It seems to be a conflict with Wort and just about every recently updated mod I'm using/have; from Glitterworld to Medieval. Here's a screeny.

5 - W7
6 - It's the new version, and yeah I'm running any of the good updated A15 mods. It seems like they all conflict with the new Wort thing Tynan put in. Dunno why that is fecking the mountains up though?


Well I tried tinkering. Turning off all the mods didn't do the trick. :/


Thank you for taking the time to answer the Q&A. The follow-up Q's are...

4 - Thanks for the screenshot of the in-game debug log. It certainly looks like there are a number of issues going on there. What is really needed though is for you to attach the "output_log.txt" file to a post. Details of where to find that can be found in this post.

Although if you're using windows you should be able to just right-click the desktop icon>open file location, and the RimWorldXXXXWin_Data folder should be in front of you (XXXX denotes the version number, which should be 1280 for v15b or 1279 for v15). The "output_log.txt" file should be in that folder.

6 - Do you still have this problem if you disable all the mods and just run vanilla?

If not then that pretty much indicates this is a mod problem, possibly with the Wort as you mentioned. In which case, and assuming all the mods are A15 compatible, then the troubleshooting process involves disabling (or enabling, whichever your poison) each mod one by one until the one causing this problem is found (and then reporting it to the mod author). Unless the log file is specific regarding which mod is causing the error.


Sorry for all the trouble!

I couldn't get my game to work again so I deleted it and reloaded. That seemed to fix things. I havent been able to recreate it again since earlier today.

I had all my mods from before A15 not checked but they were still in the mod list. Some of them involved going into the text files and changing lines. I always managed to get them to worked but sometimes I'd ignore small errors if they didn't seem to break things. My guess is that it was caused by one of those prior tinkerings since no one else seems to know about this glitch.


No worries, just glad to hear the game is running properly for you again. Still find it a bit odd though that the mountains appeared fine to start with and only messed up when you loaded a save game?! A mystery I guess.


This is happening to me as well...

[attachment deleted by admin - too old]


It seems the erosion is spreading!

@ Maxim -

1 - Are you running the latest version (A15b)?
2 - Are you using  any mods? If yes then goto 2a+2b.
2a - If yes to the above, have ALL these mods been updated to run with A15?
2b - Do you get this problem when playing vanilla?
3 - Do you get this problem when starting new colonies, or only when loading a saved game?
4 - Are you able to attach the "output_log.txt" file to a post? (see my earlier post for details of where to find this


Thanks for the quick response

1) Yes, I'm running the latest version
2) Yes, got a lot of mods.
- I've just unticked them all from the mod list and strated a new game. Mountains are intact on reloading, so clearly a problem with a mod.
- All of the mods I had ticked had been updated to A15, however I still have a lot of mods in the list that have not been updated (although I do not have these activated

Also, see attached the output file


[attachment deleted by admin - too old]


Thank you for the log file. Much appreciated. This certainly looks like a mod problem (so I'm moving this thread to mod bugs now).

I'm not the best at reading log files unfortunately, but as far as I can tell there seems to be problems with the More Factions mod, and probably Hospitality as well. Plus the screenshots you and MerlosTheMad posted seems to indicate another set of issues going on as well (possibly to do with the mods that haven't been updated to A15 yet. Although that's just an educated guess on my part).

Not sure if anything can be done about this at the moment though, as it might just be a case of either waiting until all the mods being used are updated to A15, or going into troubleshooting mode and enabling each mod one by one until the mod (or mods) causing the problem is identified (or of course someone with better log reading skills than me might be able to identify the exact problem from the log file and/or screenshots).

Either way, @ Maxim+MerlosTheMad - thanks for posting about this problem, and for providing answers, screenshots and logs etc.


The only way I can see this happening is if no defName was passed to the hashgiver....but I cant spot how that could happen. Is something gogin haywire in the reflection within GiveAllShortHashes(), ill kepp debugging as best I can but I feel this may be a genuine issue with mods and the core game.
Skullywag modded to death.
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Thats a Nasty One.
I had it too with several mods, in A15b, but none of the ones you mentioned.
I could not determine which one it was, but the problem disappeared after I removed all mods.
As for the Versions of  the mod all were tagged for A15
I try to determine which one/s are the culprit.
Maxim 1   : Pillage, then burn
Maxim 37 : There is no overkill. There is only open fire and reload.
Rule 34 of Rimworld :There is a mod for that.
Avatar Made by Chickenplucker


this bug has been causing issues for a lot of people.  :\
(2*b)||!(2*b) - That is the question.
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So it's not just one mod, good thing I did not have the time for testing :)

I found out after a mountain came down and killed my miner, because the single steel tile she was mining was still there. after she mined it, a huge cave-in happened.
Maxim 1   : Pillage, then burn
Maxim 37 : There is no overkill. There is only open fire and reload.
Rule 34 of Rimworld :There is a mod for that.
Avatar Made by Chickenplucker