Rough Randy sent 5-Man Siege vs 4-Man Colony: This Expected?

Started by MikeLemmer, August 30, 2016, 01:26:03 AM

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I was 2 seasons into a colony on Rough Randy (no mods) with 4 colonists and a total wealth of 32,000. Next thing I know, I'm hit with a 5-man pirate siege. I manage to drive them off, but the last colonist alive dies to one of our huskies, who went into a Maneating Rage after her master died.

Is this expected for Randy? Or was the difficulty borked somewhere? (This colony was started before the last hotfix, so that might have changed things, but I don't recall the patch affecting Randy.)


Nothing strange. Randy is, by definition, random. As you can expect anything from him, a 5vs4 situation is dtill a good situation!


Yeah, I had a similar situation with Randy sending a 7 pirate siege against my 1 season old, 5 person colony.  Then a tribal raid 16 deep.  The tribals broke the pirate siege, but they broke my little colony, too.  Randy is just nuts.


You got off lucky, I ragequit when randy sent a 5 man raid against my 5 man colony, then before they even got a quarter of the way to my base sent another 5 man raid from the same faction....

That being said, Randy does seem to be much harsher in the later builds of A15. I was playing rough randy before and it was almost leisurely, but in the later A15 builds he just hammered me constantly with difficulties in the early game. Then again, could just be good and bad rolls and that is the way it is meant to be.


That raids are bigger than your colony is nothing special though, the other storytellers do the same.

My experience with Randy ended when I drove off a 10 man siege with 5 colonists (had 3 other colonists at base that were incapable of violence)  just to get at the moment the siege party fled another raid from the other side of the map with personal shields and shit.

Everyone of my guys was severely wounded and I suspect some only stood because they were high on yayo and wakeup.

That was the moment I was really upset with Mr. Random.

Doc Savage NDMF

I played Randy's game for a few days thinking "random means I won't have the same carp happening over and over again..."

What it really meant was all bets were off and you could almost set your watch by the second raid happening just after you got into it with the other armed meat.

It seems all of the story tellers have become touchy no matter what I set the game on. The only difference is whether I face 3 raiders or 6 and whether 2 people come down with malaria or all of 'em. They all follow the same pattern and they all want your nuts and the sack they come in. Even Chillax seems like a PBS drive for grief. I like challenges, just not every minute of every day never ending let's do another one just because we can. Heck typing this I keep expecting the Solar Flare to kick in so I have to retype it...  ;D

Be nice to actually have some "random" for a change. I hope that will come as the game fleshes out and the number of things we can do and/or face becomes more diverse.


Quote from: Doc Savage NDMF on August 30, 2016, 06:17:10 AM
Even Chillax seems like a PBS drive for grief. I like challenges, just not every minute of every day never ending let's do another one just because we can. Heck typing this I keep expecting the Solar Flare to kick in so I have to retype it...  ;D

Be nice to actually have some "random" for a change. I hope that will come as the game fleshes out and the number of things we can do and/or face becomes more diverse.

Well on Chillax it's not as bad as events are far more drawn out but on the other tellers: yes.

It's like: Ohhhhh not ANOTHER mech shippart, I already cleared 8 of them *sigh*

The problem is that some events just don't pose any challenge once you have the routine but you still need to do the set up and fight which is mostly exhausting. (I am looking at you godamn shipparts!)

The problem is that I have no solution for that really, maybe some bigger events with foreshadowing so you can prepare, like huge siege with an added assault from the other side of the map or pods.

Or different kinds of raids, not just the "we burn everything down because we hate ya" type of raid but also "we just want to steal some stuff, best without any casualties"

No idea, just something different so not the same events happen after each other.

Mossy piglet

It is not just randy.

I had an alpha 12 colony, half a year in, 7 man seige against my 5 person colony. And it was Cassandra on Challenge.
Tardigrades are superior to all other life forms in every way.

Ps I secretly am one I am the king of their civilization.


Quote from: Mossy piglet on August 30, 2016, 08:35:30 AM
It is not just randy.

I had an alpha 12 colony, half a year in, 7 man seige against my 5 person colony. And it was Cassandra on Challenge.

Well, I could see Challenging Cassandra pulling that off. Just seems a bit overpowered for Rough Randy.


You guys are all complaining about a 5 v 4 attack, I've had pirate sieges where they send 25 vs my 6 colonists. You just have to play smart and if it is too much, turn down the difficulty.
Life is Strange


Quote from: PotatoeTater on August 30, 2016, 10:50:48 AM
You guys are all complaining about a 5 v 4 attack, I've had pirate sieges where they send 25 vs my 6 colonists. You just have to play smart and if it is too much, turn down the difficulty.

You're missing a lot of info there, like how well they were outfitted, how many years in it was, and what the colony's wealth level is.


Even so, I really don't think a 5 vs 4 is a huge amount of raiders in any shape or form, even in the early game vs a high tech group considering you only need to take down 2-3 to make the rest flee.

Also, Randy is a lot more balanced than he used to be, he don't have insane tops and lows like he had in the beginning. Only way I can find this situation to be tricky is if it's talk about 5 shielded brawlers vs all your 4 only having bows - but it's still not a hard enough situation to warrant colony casualties imho.


Quote from: MikeLemmer on August 30, 2016, 02:01:13 PM
Quote from: PotatoeTater on August 30, 2016, 10:50:48 AM
You guys are all complaining about a 5 v 4 attack, I've had pirate sieges where they send 25 vs my 6 colonists. You just have to play smart and if it is too much, turn down the difficulty.

You're missing a lot of info there, like how well they were outfitted, how many years in it was, and what the colony's wealth level is.

1 year in, most had survival rifles and pistols, some nades. I tend to have low wealth, but I play on high difficulty.
Life is Strange


Quote from: ShadowTani on August 30, 2016, 03:02:55 PM
Even so, I really don't think a 5 vs 4 is a huge amount of raiders in any shape or form, even in the early game vs a high tech group considering you only need to take down 2-3 to make the rest flee.

Also, Randy is a lot more balanced than he used to be, he don't have insane tops and lows like he had in the beginning. Only way I can find this situation to be tricky is if it's talk about 5 shielded brawlers vs all your 4 only having bows - but it's still not a hard enough situation to warrant colony casualties imho.

I might have gotten bad RNG. 3 of my colonists immediately died from just 1-2 hits. I did manage to chase them off with the survivor, but it was rough.


Yeah, that sounds very unlucky, which can happen. Curious though, how open where you? Sandbags and rocks aren't too good on their own, you would ideally want to stay behind corners.