The mass-soothe device feels underpowered now that there are so many drugs

Started by lowdegger, August 31, 2016, 09:01:47 AM

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It gives everyone +15 mood, but with so many options for increasing mood now, and since you're not likely to get one of the devices in the early stages of the game, it feels a little redundant. I get that unlike drugs it has no down-side, but it doesn't seem worth the gold to buy or not to sell if you find one in an Ancient Danger room. Maybe it could have an added effect, or it could last longer? It doesn't feel very useful.


I never used the artifacts to begin with, loot to sell instead. x3 I guess it depends on your playstyle, but you have a point too - especially considering how rare they are. There's too many mood modifying things already though imo, so personally I would like to see more things that provide other boosts as well or in addition, like since it's a psychic artifact why not a boosted global learning factor too for example. I dunno.


I would usually uses mine during a mass plague or flu outbreak. Keep everyone in bed and activate one of those to make sure people stay happy cooped up.
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