Taser/Stun Baton/Mace etc.

Started by Travinsky, August 31, 2016, 09:54:09 AM

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Probably been suggested a dozen times over, can we please get something to disable berserk colonists? I personally wouldn't mind the introduction of a police role, someone who automatically restrains berserk or binging colonists, but it would be nice if we could research something to take out colonists without risking killing them (Of course it would have to be limited to a non-raid situation/be useless against insects and mechanoids).

I get that fists and a club is a pretty good way but its slow and you can risk someone getting killed (Berserk guy might have bionic arms or they manage to corner a pacifist colonist) so it might be nice if we can research something later in the game to take them down much more effectively.