Series of Questions

Started by deadbeat88, March 15, 2014, 12:23:29 PM

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?? These are series questions that i'd like to know so I'd be great if someone answers them for me.

- minimum/maximum radius of lighting?
  - is there a light "intensity"?
  - how is normal and sun lam differs aside from obvious matters?

- what are the hit/miss probability of sandbags, embosures, slag/rocks, catuses, furnitures ?
  - is the probability moddable?

- is it possible to mod a human robot ?

- will Tynan ever create a drop-down list of traits/stories to save me some time clicking on randomize button? :P

I constantly edit the mods I download to suit my game. One notable thing I did was combining Blastic charges & gibbet cage mod because apparently, you cant scrolldown mod list :(

I also modified blastic charges, graves, gibbet cages to never multi-select by adding code below. Put them just before <description>
Whatever you do, don't do it!


>lighting radius can be infinitely modified
>no idea, maybe check the wiki
>absolutely, already done i think actually. If not, wait until half way through alpha three and I can guarantee you someone will have done it.
>Almost certainly not, but you'd be better off waiting for his reply on that
>Totally agree with you, I do the same
>Good for you, maybe add dragability tags too and bump that up to something stupendous. Will make placing lots of blasting charges to quickly cause an fps drop even easier!

Hope that all helps :D
Check out BetterPower+ and all its derivatives by clicking the picture below.

It adds many new methods of power generation and uses for it, as well as other things such as incidents.

Thunder Rahja

This thread probably belongs in the help section of the mods forum.

Quote from: deadbeat88 on March 15, 2014, 12:23:29 PM- minimum/maximum radius of lighting?
  - is there a light "intensity"?
  - how is normal and sun lam differs aside from obvious matters?

The minimum is obviously 0, providing no light. The maximum is so high as to be impractical, so there's no limit to worry about. Open Buildings_Furniture.xml in your ThingDefs folder and find the StandingLamp definition. The compClass called CompGlower is responsible for emitting light. You can change the intensity by increasing the glowColor values. Compare the StandingLamp's values to the SunLamp's values. The main difference is the radius and color values.

Quote from: deadbeat88 on March 15, 2014, 12:23:29 PM- what are the hit/miss probability of sandbags, embosures, slag/rocks, catuses, furnitures ?
  - is the probability moddable?

Take a look in your XML files and look for the <fillPercent> tag. A value of 1 is equal to 100% and is used as corner cover. A value less than 1 but greater than 0 provides cover that colonists can lean over to shoot from. A higher value increases the chance of an incoming shot hitting the cover instead of the colonist. Sandbags have a fillPercent value of 0.6, or 60%. Debris have a fillPercent value of 0.4, or 40%.

Quote from: deadbeat88 on March 15, 2014, 12:23:29 PM- is it possible to mod a human robot ?

Mechanoids are a thing, apparently. Take a look at Races.xml in your ThingDefs folder.

Quote from: deadbeat88 on March 15, 2014, 12:23:29 PM- will Tynan ever create a drop-down list of traits/stories to save me some time clicking on randomize button? :P

I doubt it. It defeats the philosophy of the game. If you want to enjoy the game as it was meant to be played, choose Cassandra and don't randomize any of the colonists it generates for you.

Quote from: deadbeat88 on March 15, 2014, 12:23:29 PMI constantly edit the mods I download to suit my game. One notable thing I did was combining Blastic charges & gibbet cage mod because apparently, you cant scrolldown mod list :(

That's been fixed for Alpha 3. The mods list will be scrollable.