Traffic Sucks

Started by Kindyj, September 06, 2016, 12:13:06 PM

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"Road Trip!"

I propose a mod that enables a map overlay of the highest traffic areas for actually traveled and where pathfinding wanted to go but couldn't(i.e. Mountain, building, tree in the way). This would provide information as to how to optimize how my colonists go from point A to B(i.e. bulldoze a path through the mountain, cut down a tree, move a boulder), without having to take a pointless detour. Thought just came to me... Maybe a Mod that adds the Research Project "Maps", after Researching you could send a colonist out on a "Map making Expedition," after said expedition, Pathfinding is much more optimized. A Caveat here is that I know not how pathfinding works and don't know if it's already Optimized.