[V1.1 to V1.2] Chemicals extraction & Neutroamine crafting (R1)

Started by ShadowTani, September 14, 2016, 09:06:28 PM

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Quote from: sekeb on September 28, 2016, 08:28:31 PM
i would like to make neutroamine with two way, yours or neutro flower too.
If i craft an item i can make it with wood, stell etc
Can you help me how can i programming this?

Are you talking about the neutro flowers that give you neutropetals in the vegetable garden mod? The newest release of this mod (r2) is compatible with Vegetable Garden so you're able to craft neutroamine using both ingredients - the drug lab will have a separate recipe for each however. I believe one recipe is at the top of the list, and the other at the bottom.

Working with xml is scripting though, not programming. But despite that it's still kinda difficult for me to teach anyone as I never learned it by being taught, I learned it by just giving it a try myself, sorry. I could give you a step by step guide for what tags you need to work with and why though...

But if you tell me what you're trying to do I could maybe help you put it together (and show you a comparison between the recipes to let you see what I changed). Especially if it's in regards to the vegetable garden, I already got a halfway complete recipe fix for it that allows you to use neutropetals to craft neutroglycerin (as opposed to neutroamine directly).


Quote from: ShadowTani on September 29, 2016, 12:08:30 PM

Are you talking about the neutro flowers that give you neutropetals in the vegetable garden mod? The newest release of this mod (r2) is compatible with Vegetable Garden so you're able to craft neutroamine using both ingredients - the drug lab will have a separate recipe for each however. I believe one recipe is at the top of the list, and the other at the bottom.

Working with xml is scripting though, not programming. But despite that it's still kinda difficult for me to teach anyone as I never learned it by being taught, I learned it by just giving it a try myself, sorry. I could give you a step by step guide for what tags you need to work with and why though...

But if you tell me what you're trying to do I could maybe help you put it together (and show you a comparison between the recipes to let you see what I changed). Especially if it's in regards to the vegetable garden, I already got a halfway complete recipe fix for it that allows you to use neutropetals to craft neutroglycerin (as opposed to neutroamine directly).
Thanks your answer
Yes i talking about it, but in my game the Vg mod's recipe hide now too.
I use your mod with Medical Complication Mod Pack .
Maybe can we talk in real time? (skype?)
I'm not totally beginner with programming(c, c++, script, web development), but i have a lot of question about modding.
If U can help me just write in skype (sekeb1990).


Ah, that explains it, the Medical Complication MP haven't updated to the r2 version of this mod yet.

You could probably download the r2 version from here and copy-paste the "RecipeDefs" and "ThingDefs_Items" folders found in "Chemicals & Neutroamine\Defs\" and copy those over to the Medical Complication MP version of this mod. Basically one file will have to be added and another overwritten.

And I'm sorry, I don't have Skype and kinda reluctant to use it. After the loss of MSN I pretty much migrated towards just using Steam and Facebook for messaging.. ^^; I got an old account I could probably dust off though, but it'll have to wait until mid-October, I just won't have time to sit down for longer sessions until then due to current family plans. Feel free to PM me any questions until then though.


ShadowTani, you're missing a lot of abstract bases in the XMLs of this mod. Make sure you update it with proper bases ASAP to increase the stability of the mod. You cannot inherit things like ResourceBase from the Core mod, you need to include them once (only once) in one of your XMLs to be able to inherit them in your mod.

There are also some other things missing, like in the optional Items_Resource_Manufactured you're missing the top line (not sure if that causes anything, see below).

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>


Good catch with the XML.

And will fix the abstracts as well, though I'm curious what exact issues it is causing? It seems like they are inherited just fine whenever I test the mod.


No, they do not get inherited at all. Take a look at E's post here to learn a bit more on the subject. They're just using the defaults from their class which is OK in theory but bad in practice.


Wasn't able to test the script changes before now unfortunately and didn't want to release it untested. Anyway, it's now possible to download and upgrade to R3 which hopefully should fix all those abstracts.

I dunno how compatible it is with previous saves of the mod though, but I think it's safe. Let me know if something bugs.


Could you tell me what line I could change on mine to slow down the production. I am thinking about 25% of the current rate. 1 Neutroglycerin every other day would work better for me. I want a trickle to get by not independence from buying it all together.

Not suggesting change for everyone just for myself. Thank you for making this mod.


"Hon hon hon"
-Anonymous, France


Quote from: GlitchKs on November 25, 2016, 02:15:39 PM
Could you tell me what line I could change on mine to slow down the production.

In the XML files found in the "Chemicals & Neutroamine\Defs\ThingDefs_Races" folder, change the values for "extractIntervalDays" and "chemicalAmount".

Alternatively you can download the attachement with this post, and replace the files. The values in these files have been changed to have 1/4 rates. Boomalopes will then produce 5:10 amount/days (versus 10:5 before) and Boomrats will produce 1:4 amount/days (versus 1:1 before).

[attachment deleted by admin due to age]


Great mod, elegantly closes the gap Neutroamine opened.
Adding some thoughts on Malari-block production: 1 Malari block/5 days needs 6 Buckets Neutroglycerin in that intervall, or 1.2 boomrats/colonists. That's ok, if not a little Boomrat intense, given an additional need for medicine & eventual Drug production (i like to be self sustaining).

PS: Does anybody know how hunger rates work? Is it affected by the size of the hunger bar? Because Boomalopes have a 3 times higher hunger rate and I want to know if Boomrats really are more food effective.
I'm from Austria. If I offend you, it's usually inadvertently.
Snowmen army, Chemfuel Generator, Electric Stonecutting, Smelting Tweak


Yeah, boomrats are meant to be more food effective, while boomalopes are definitively more labor effective. As long as there are advantages to either creature I would say it's balanced right. :3

I doubt there are any factors that give a larger creature with a higher hunger ratio a better food advantage though, but if there's anything I've overlooked I'm definitively interested in knowing that as well.


Yeah, i just intendend to tame Boomalopes first, but the went away during winter and didn't came back untill one year later and I went with Boomrats instead. Now that I know it's the better choice I'm happy, but I didn't think about Hunger rates "back then". Zhentar answered my question elsewhere: Nutrition/day = hunger rate * 1,6. Makes sense, bigger animals are usually less food effective irl.
I'm from Austria. If I offend you, it's usually inadvertently.
Snowmen army, Chemfuel Generator, Electric Stonecutting, Smelting Tweak


Not sure if this is still an issue with r2/3 but this mod has some compatibility issues with Combat Realism. It was a relatively easy fix to edit the xml so that both neutroglycerin and FSX were harvestable from the boomanimals (well I think it was, may have broken something I haven't noticed yet) but figured I'd mention it.


Any mod that modify the boomanimals will indeed overwrite this mod, or vice versa. Thanks for letting me know though; I'll take a closer look once A16 comes around, if the mod is still compatible - might just as well put a fix into the optional folder for convenience.