Trader ship ideas

Started by Arctic_fox, September 17, 2016, 07:03:51 AM

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So based on another post tynan made he wants traders to play a bigger role in the game so i was thinking perhaps specialty equipment sold by them only repairable through advanced parts or requireing advanced fuels or chems also bought from traders.

Its not reasionable that a small colony could make everything or even specialized equipment sure some things can be cludged together with salvage or are so simple a monkey could make them I.E how hard is a knife and a stone or wood slab to butcher an animal? So why not buy advanced or complicated equipment from traders?

Some things could be a machine that cuts stone blocks, it could either make more for your materials say 30 instead of 20, add 10-25% more hp, or even make new kinds entirely like reinfoced concrete blocks for walls or gold guilded engraved walls for bedrooms that are very pretty, but needs replacment parts often.

An advanced drug lab that could make pharmacuticals for say glitterworld meds or pain killers or other things but requires special chems and clothing that needs to be bought

How about a high tech stove that can turn wasted food from lavish meals into kibble but only 1 or 2 at a time and draws 3 or 4 times the power?

How about hardend work beches and or hydroponics that have a small chance of short circut but can function duing a solar flare and require special parts to fix

Maybe sell special power plant upgrades such as high efficiency solar cells, improved wind generators ect that increase how much power you get but are ahh...expensive and perhaps explosive.

How about charge turrets with longer range more hp and damage but are power sinks and set things on fire when they explode?

Theres a bunch of fun stuff you could do with traders and these are only some of my ideas, gotta make sure they have downsides aside from being expensive of course or what fun is the game without someone getting sucked into a stone lathe and losing an arm.