A Tail of 3 Psychopaths

Started by amimai, September 21, 2016, 08:50:24 PM

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I recently started a game with randy random set to challenge, lets see how this ends.
colonists selection : first one with psychopath trait is a go
saves : hardcore mode

map : a very nice tropical area, right next to the friendly green tribe who turn out to be extremely hostile to immigrants...

scenario : the crash of the ITMS Mirabilis a class 5 orbital medical facility ; everyone is mad here

this is what i ended up with for a start crew:

as failed child actress her mind was slowly eroded by a dead end job in a factory producing wires. She eventual went on a killing spree with a light machine gun and thoroughly enjoys using heavy weapons, particularly on large crowds...

Emily is not a violent soul, in fact she could be said to be the perfect household addition, she is kind, caring, stunningly beautiful, obedient, and loves to cook. Unfortunately Emmie, a split personality that can come out during stressful situations to cope with her abusive masters loves to kill. Prior to her transfer to the Mirabilis facility she changed hands between dozens of owners, most of which have now been confirmed dead due to a vast array of poisons thought to have been fed to them by Emmie.

Engie was, is, and will always be one of the most exceptional demolition experts the Imeron Theocracy ever trained. In her long career as a soldier she has arranged for the destruction of star ships, space stations, and whole cities with her skills. Eventually after over 1400 hours of active combat experience she snapped and was discharged to the Mirabilis for treatment of PTSD. After a botched therapy session she found a baby boomrat living in the vents of the facility, over the next 3 months she proceeded to tame and train an unconfirmed number of the pests spawned from a previously un-noticed nest in the facilities air filtration system and staged an escape with 8 other prisoners, 2 of which survived to make landfall on Procyon Secondus while the medical station burned in the sky above.


First days:
6th of spring, 5500 : We finally escaped, Gitta managed to steal a handgun from one of the guards and I still have my rifle, its a good thing it was kept in storage with the rest of my gear when i was brought here. We crash landed in what appears to be an abandoned village with several collapsed houses, we have some food and basic supplies with us in the escape pods, but not much. Somehow the directors dog "zelda" made it into the escape pods with us, its a hell of a smart dog that one, much smarter then the director...

8th of spring, 5500 : the first few days were busy, no one slept in the first day, most of it was spent with Engie setting up a solar panel while she ordered Gitta and Emmie to dig a pantry. Unfortunately everyone was cranky the next day, resulting in our new camp sporting several new bullet holes, a dead racoon and Emmie in bed with a new hole in her torso...

9th of spring, 5500 : we have a "soon to be" new member of the group! Lilith was recently exiled from the Blood Group pirate band for her love of robotics, luckily she has fallen into the kind loving arms of Emmie, and unfortunately a hospital bed from several bullet wounds...

still the 9th : We have officially named our little colony Microton, and we have our first visitors! the Hypnotist convoy has come to meet us, unfortunately a visit so soon after the visit by Lilith (who is still refusing to come out of her room...) has triggered an episode and Engie is intent on burning us all down to the ground, hopefully the hypnotist convoy does not join in, but the orange glint in their eyes does not bring confidence to our hearts...

(i kid you not, of the whole convoy there is just a single person who isn't a pyromaniac, and she has an incendiary launcher... this seed is fun, i can just feel it)


I very much look forward to seeing how this plays out. Carry on my crazies, carry on.
Anyone else felt their heart break when a pawns marriage falls apart?
Doc & Valarie, I shipped it, she flipped it.


Neat. I started a game today with 3 crash landed colonists named Rykar, Espen and Anouk.