[A15] Alpha Animals

Started by skullywag, October 02, 2016, 04:59:45 AM

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You can create severals and limit them to certain biomes with


Example : https://github.com/kaptain-kavern/CK_AnimalPlant_Pack/blob/master/Defs/Incidents/Incidents_ThreatsBig.xml

I was about to look at make you a ADS patch for animal body parts then I realize most of your animals have custom bodies too. So it will wait until I got an straight hour on the computer ;-)


Its not about defining my own. Its the core one it uses all animals no matter the biome.
Skullywag modded to death.
I'd never met an iterator I liked....until Zhentar saved me.
Why Unity5, WHY do you forsake me?

Pink Omega

Not sure if already asked here, or if you can do it.
But..Can you make the mod compatible with the protheses mod '' A dog said... ''? It makes you able to install protheses to an animal. I really want to fix my Groundrunner spine.

<=To Be Continued/\/


Will the Tetraslug ever produce power for a colony somehow? Like maybe plugged into a machine?


Also is there an ETA on the next update?


I've downloaded the mod, but it says Target Version Unknown, and flags as red. I get a start up screen when I start Rimworld telling me to write "write target version (current version) but where is this supposed to be written? Any help much appreciated and can't wait to try this very cool looking mod.


This happen when mods haven't the right version write in "About/about.xml". You can open it with any text editor ... OR if the game can't find it because of it's folder's structure (often because not installed correctly)

But nobody else have reported this and AFAIK the mod is only released since A15 so are you sure it is rightly installed? Meaning you have it, in a folder containing directly the mod folders, located directly in your "mod" folder? It's easy to derp when extracting and ending up with another additional folder


Loving it. A thing I noticed:

RaptorShrimp meat, megalouse meat - I hadn't considered that they would be insect meat under a different name, so despite being told no on the Insect Meat as an ingredient, my chef went ahead and made fine meals out of them anyway.

I'm not sure whether this would be better/easier addressed by having them butcher into Insect Meat, or by adding something to their description that indicates they do not taste nice.

Although... shrimp do taste nice. I bet something that's incredibly difficult to kill, that tastes even reasonably good, would be considered a delicacy. This would be fertile ground for making fine meals out of delicacy-meat-only, and lavish meals out of delicacy-meat-plus-veggies.
Tam's tiny mods: forum thread: Kitchen Counters and other shelving *** Smoked meat *** Travel rations: MREs *** Pygmy Muffalo


Quote from: Tammabanana on October 15, 2016, 09:11:26 AM
Loving it. A thing I noticed:

RaptorShrimp meat, megalouse meat - I hadn't considered that they would be insect meat under a different name, so despite being told no on the Insect Meat as an ingredient, my chef went ahead and made fine meals out of them anyway.

I'm not sure whether this would be better/easier addressed by having them butcher into Insect Meat, or by adding something to their description that indicates they do not taste nice.

Although... shrimp do taste nice. I bet something that's incredibly difficult to kill, that tastes even reasonably good, would be considered a delicacy. This would be fertile ground for making fine meals out of delicacy-meat-only, and lavish meals out of delicacy-meat-plus-veggies.

I second this! Those shrimps need to be delicious! The people have spoken.





Its a test release, if i want something tested and want to get decent feedback im NOT putting it on the WS.
Skullywag modded to death.
I'd never met an iterator I liked....until Zhentar saved me.
Why Unity5, WHY do you forsake me?

A Friend

I've been encountering clothing made of insect plates lately. I find it a bit weird. Plates and chitin should be a steel-like resource which you can build walls, furniture, etc. with.
Also, with the plans to add more insectoid creatures in the future and potentially have them also spawn from hives, I suggest making them have a shared "Insectoid Chitin/Plate" resource instead of individual ones.

Aside from that, I don't have much to say about the other animals as I'm mostly playing in the Tundra biome where animals seldom spawn. Lions are brutal though. I love it. Im too much of a coward to try attacking one. Anyone successfully tamed one yet?
"For you, the day Randy graced your colony with a game-ending raid was the most memorable part of your game. But for Cassandra, it was Tuesday"

Squiggly lines you call drawings aka "My Deviantart page"


Haven't had a chance to tame any of those lions, but hopefully they aren't like the hermit crabs and have a 20% chance to get angry and attack back.