
Started by knives49, October 10, 2016, 02:09:58 PM

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hello, why in the Def files English ThingDef becomes ThingDefs_Buildings, ThingDefs_Items, ThingDefs_Misc, ThingDefs_Plants, ThingDefs_Races
but when I make the same tree path in the translation, i have an error ?

The same thing for the Drugs path.


ThingDefs_Building is only allowed in the Def definition. Not in the language area. There it must be in the ThingDef folder. In drugs it is even more difficult. In the definitions there are ThingDef, HediffDef and various others. Here it is the same: it is allowed in the definition, but in the language translation they need to be sorted in their specific named folder..


it's weird...
thanks for the answer but it's harder to compar folders now


Yes, I know.. Hopefully there will be something to help us soon.
I know that Tynan is aware of this problem, so.. we'll see. 8)