[REQUEST] auto Timer/complex power Mod

Started by confusedwings, March 26, 2014, 06:23:44 AM

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Hi all,

I've got some idea for a mod but i just can't do any modding...

Is it possible for a 'timer' mod?
the idea
- you place a 'timer' between 2 power lines. Power runs only when you timed it to do so.
that way you can let you 'sun lamp' automaticly turn on and off when you want to (when sun sets...). At the start of a game this could make a big difference..

Off course sometimes something goes wrong with it so some mallfuctions are also nice...
Maybe some research could get a better timer... less broken/mallfuctioning or something like that.

maybe is it a good idea to have also some 'power-timer-wall' like the metal one but with timer.

-  For even more complexer ppl... maybe you can find a way so when 2 power lins crosses they keep there power a part...
i will try to illustrate it with a mini-drawing:
   normal power going to some building

    ----+------> power going to a 'timed' sun lamp

the possibility for 'complex' power grid should be only unlocked when research. So in ppl should think about it before they set up there power grid

i hope you understand what i'm trying to tell... i'm sorry for my english but i'm from belgium so Dutch is my normal lang...

Pls somebody this mod would give extra dimension to the game and it would be fun...

Keep me posted if you want to... thx


I can say for certain that it's not possible right now. The next update is said to add a lot of proper code-based modding support to allow things like this, however.

As for myself, I'm more interested in a "switch" that could be opened or closed manually than a timer. I'd like to do a lot of this power related stuff, perhaps even go as far as to implement a logic system similar to minecraft's redstone out of the power conduits, but no promises there.

In short: not yet, but hopefully in a few weeks such a thing will exist.
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Perhaps a mod for Alpha 3 that gives a switch-type item, as well as a research that gives us the timer-type item, because the latter sounds like something that one would research to get when all you have is the former.
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Hold out hope, as Alpha 3 will indeed make these things possible with mods.

A couple of us in the test group have been frantically developing mods like these over the past month, and the ideas in this thread are extremely well aligned with what I've been working on.

Please don't let this slow down the debate: I'm very keen to see what people are interested in, as that will help me set my priorities in terms of what I need to have ready before Alpha 3 hits.


alpha 3 is now out for some time but still nobody has made this 'timer' and crossing 'wire' thing... guess it's to hard :p


A timer is nearly ready. Just needs a bit of fine tuning than will PowerSwitch be a full setable timer :)
The crossing wires thing Is hard as it needs a complete new set of the powergrid. That is not something for my small PowerSwitch mod :)