How to stop extremely annoying colonist behaviors

Started by pfhorrest, October 31, 2016, 01:42:08 AM

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1. Consumption of chocolate & taking packaged survival meals into the inventory

I purchase these at a huge premium from orbital traders & caravans and unless I aggressively micromanage actions colonists will try to immediately eat the chocolate, take the survival meals, or feed survival meals to prisoners.

2. Treating prisoners & animals before colonists

Instead of treating my colonist, my doc will prioritize rescue Alpaca 4, and once he has done so will prioritize treating Alpaca 4 instead of a colonist who's already in a medical bed.

3. Feeding the best available food to prisoners

It seems that colonists prefer to feed prisoners lavish & packaged survival meals. I have all of their legs removed so the nutrient paste dispenser in the prison isn't an option sadly.

4. Eating meals when undrafted

Just really silly & annoying. Sometimes I use draft & undraft to make a colonist move a certain place or prioritize a certain action and this eating-a-meal shit is more than aggravating.

5. Performing 1 work action upon waking and then consuming food & joy time

I'm sure no explanation is needed for this one, we've all seen this & been bothered by it. The worst was when a colonist ran all the way to the edge of the map to mine a marble rock from 73% to 71% and then ran all the way back to eat food & play horseshoes - by that time it was already 3 in the afternoon.

Mikhail Reign

1: Agreed.
2: I'm ok with manually prioritising medical needs. They are important enough to warrant more care.
3: Agreed. There should be a prisoner policy where you choose default food, treatment etc etc.
4: Yeah this bugs the hell out of me.
5: I don't think you are using scheduling properly. Colonists won't do joy being work time. Using the 'anything' for everything is a major hit to efficiency.


For number 1 you could forbid the items once they are hauled to your stockpile and unforbid them whenever you need them.

2 can be avoided with a little micro management. I your pawns will treat whatever is closest to them first.

3 Has been discussed thoroughly here:

5 Can be avoided by making your pawns preform 2 or 3 hours of joy activity immediately after they wake up. This can be managed in the 'Restrict' Tab. By the time they are finished with their joy they are hungry enough to eat.
The only difference between screwing around and science is writing it down.


Thanks for the tips concerning #5. Concerning #1, I am forbidding the items as soon as they are hauled, but often a colonist will instantaneously take some chocolate or a survival meal upon depositing the stack in the stockpile, meaning I have to draft them in order to make them drop the units they were holding, and then forbid that, etc.


My people never seem to eat chocolate. I've seen that on YouTube too

The rest shows that there really needs to be a food restriction menu like with the drugs. Not just for meal types, but also raw food and maybe cannibalism.