[A16] Combat Realism [closed]

Started by skyarkhangel, November 11, 2016, 03:20:29 PM

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Quote from: Knedl on November 15, 2016, 03:26:05 AM
I have also encountered the bug that I think was causing lot's of problems when NoImage released CR. The pawn that is designated to tame/train animals must first equip the food so it can tame/train. But the CR mod imediately drops the pawn's food since it's not set as equipment in pawn's weapon loadout. So the pawn get stuck in an endless loop picking up and imediately dropping the food. Sometimes there is the "pawn started 10 jobs in 1 tick" error. There is a way around tho lol as I found out when the pawn was stuck in a loop and the animal that was supposed to be trained came along and ate some food. The pawn then trained it and was unstuck till next day/train event. Still it's a bug and must be resolved (I think there were similar problems with doctors that got stuck when trying to use medikit). Hope you find and easy way around it, I know NoImage had problems with it but he did it so the solution must be buried somewhere in the code. I hope CCL get released soon since it should help. Thanks for upadting this mod it's an awesome one.
That's an old bug, it's been in CR for longer than SK has been maintaining it I think. I always fixed it by telling them to pick up the food manually.


I've found another bug in new version, embrassure is not "working", pawns can't shot through it, it's just like a wall.
Here's pic: http://imgur.com/a/P9lzj


Quote from: KrolCwanPL on November 15, 2016, 09:29:03 AM
I've found another bug in new version, embrassure is not "working", pawns can't shot through it, it's just like a wall.
Here's pic: http://imgur.com/a/P9lzj

tested. With last version, i don't see problems.

If you use mods that change pawn, need compatible patch.

Need to add comps and change ITab_Pawn_Gear to Combat_Realism.ITab_Inventory in <inspectorTabs>

like in CR Example:
  <ThingDef Name="BasePawn" Abstract="True">

Since CR works without CCL, need this patch. Bcs, previously CCL injects this comps, itab automatically into other mods.


Ok, my bad, sorry for taking your time, I found the problem. I just forgot that CR can't be last while loading mods...



Hmm... is it just me or are the mortar shells VERY slow? They seem so slow that I could simply make my colonists walk away from them... if the siegers actually had any mortars, I don't know if this is a load order issue but twice I've gotten sieges that didn't had any mortar, so they built their defenses, chilled there for a while and then attacked my colony.


It's probably kinda old, by how to get FSX? Only from traders?


I don't want pyrotheum, I want FSX. Pyrotheum is for incediary ammo, FSX for HE ammo.


Quote from: KrolCwanPL on November 15, 2016, 09:29:03 AM
I've found another bug in new version, embrassure is not "working", pawns can't shot through it, it's just like a wall.
Here's pic: http://imgur.com/a/P9lzj
Can your other pawns shoot through the embrasure? If so that's an issue (or feature if you want to call it that) that was present from A13 CR. Basically what happens from what I understand is CR calculates the height of the shooter and the height the target and tries to figure out if the shot can be made through the height of the embrasure/sandbag. Your pawn is 16 years old, which CR considers to still be a child and it thinks that the kid is not tall enough to shoot through the embrasure.

Also FSX is harvested from Boomalopes. I can't remember the mechanics of it though.



First off, I'd just like to say excellent work on Combat Realism. The depth of gameplay here is amazing.

I'm trying to incorporate a "charges remaining" mechanic into certain weapons in my mod, using a display like your GizmoAmmoStatus. I've managed to get the display showing on weapons while they are on the ground, but I can't seem to figure out how to show it once the weapon is equipped.

Could you possibly point me towards a solution, or refer me to where in your source this is accomplished?

Thank you, and keep up the good work!


Quote from: KrolCwanPL on November 16, 2016, 01:41:57 PM
It's probably kinda old, by how to get FSX? Only from traders?
Tame Boomrats, you get FSX from them like you get wool from sheep. Boomalope presumably work as well, but I haven't tried it.


Thank you for all the hard work updating CR!
Since this is an early release, I might have a bug to report. The drug system seems to be out of order. Pawns do not take the drugs they are scheduled to and don't put it them in their inventory. Even when manually ordering them to pick them up. Perhaps the load-out system is conflicting with that mechanic?


On the inventory system:

Does this update of the mod fix the issue where selling a crapton of things to a trader visiting the colony overencumbers them to the point that they cannot leave the map without dying of hunger before that? (Inventory gets force-filled to such a level where their walking speed is barely existent)

With Hospitality this makes pretty much certain that you'll be at war with all factions due to traders dying on your turf.

A suggestion on how to fix this is capping the max amount that the slowness debuff can stack.