
Started by fetusthebard, November 11, 2016, 06:48:58 PM

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It might be temporary for some people, but for others it most definitely is not. It is not a thing which needs to be fixed, it just is.


Firstly, I agree with this quote...
Quote from: Bozobub on November 15, 2016, 12:34:45 PM
You are making a strong assumption here, that you won't be able to back up =o .

People are different. You give a single case and try are trying to apply that to all of humanity? I'm totally unconvinced.
Quote from: Rahjital on July 09, 2015, 03:09:55 PM
"I don't like that farmers chop people up."

Obviously she has already played Rimworld :P

Read the wiki. Edit the wiki. Let the wiki be your guide.


I think saying "no one is really asexual" is a little like saying "everyone is really pansexual".


No, not that either....something along the lines of peoples tastes change over time, through events

For instance, someone might be asexual for several years, then straight, then bicurious, then straight again.

I just don't believe sexuality is PERMENANT in its setting always.

I didn't mean "everyone is really pansexual" so much as "nobody is eternally asexual to that which no event or stimulus would change them to be otherwise. Everyone can change under the RIGHT circumstances"
Why to people worry about following their heart? Its lodged in your chest, you won't accidentally leave it behind.


Its bad because reasons, and if you don't know the reasons, you are horrible. You cannot ask what the reasons are or else you doubt it. But the reasons are irrefutable. Logic.


And that's an assumption.  If you state it as opinion, that's perfectly fine, but you're stating it as fact; not so fine.

This is only tangentially germane to Rimworld, itself — expecting a sim game to have the granularity of Dwarf Fortress, a work of love made by an obsessed, mad genius, much less real life, is rather silly, in my opinion — but (as far as is currently known):

Human sexuality is mostly genetically determined, but the environment definitely can alter sexual expression, as well.  This means that, whether by choice or chance, you are NOT necessarily bound by your genetic predisposition, but it's more likely you will be than not.  Alcoholism works much the same way; having the gene doesn't make you an alcoholic, nor does NOT having the gene prevent becoming one, but the odds of alcoholism are much higher if the gene is present.

Sexuality choices* tend to be remarkably stable for most humans, whatever is initially chosen, but they also are not quite as well-defined as most believe.  For example, a rather large percentage of self-identifying heterosexuals, especially men, admitted to enjoying homosexual encounters in their past in Shere Hite's work.

Recently, there's been growing recognition of asexuality, itself, as a legitimate, stable sexual orientation, just like any other.
*By "choice" here, I simply mean what behavior is observed, not whether or not that behavior is necessarily voluntary =) .
Thanks, belgord!


Honestly: WHO THE FUCK CARES? It's a game, not a scientific study in the sexual exploits of mankind. You guys are bloody obsessed with this crap. He's not trying to make a statement about what sexualities are recognised as "legit" in the world, but making a game that's fun and entertaining. God DAMN you lot are about as fun as cancer.


It just goes against the very basics of psychology, of perceptions, patterns, and habits..

If an asexual for instance EXPERIMENTS with someone, has an orgasm, and a good time, they WILL then associate that person, and possibly other details (gender, personality, ect) with that pleasure too, thus building a possible attraction with them, unless deeply repressed. Even if it is repressed, that mental bridge / connection of "this person is connected with pleasure, and sex" is still there(if buried), and the thought / temptation will be can be resisted yes, but this is why I say its not an "always" situation.

Whether or not they feel comfortable enough to voluntarily, or ever encounter it period is another question, but the point is its POSSIBLE for  asexuality to be a phase...which was entirely my point.

The most important thing, asexuality DOES NOT mean someone does not have a working sexual nervous system : if you touch, they feel it, if you grope, they feel it... And orgasms can still be achieved this way, as can arousal, even if the sight / presence of someone is NOT stimulating. And if this IS experienced, it can build those bridges, FORMING attraction.
QuoteHuman sexuality is mostly genetically determined
Citation needed.

I guess you could basically just say the mind, and sexuality is dynamic and flexible, rather than static....any person could be trained to like anything, with the right context, the only stipulations is  how the events transpire / how people react, and the morality / reasoning behind someone FOR feelings. I think though with enough time and personal history, certain traits become "locked" simply because theres so much history behind it, being convinced otherwise becomes exponentially hard.

But quite simply, nobody is BORN enjoying bestiality and BDSM, nobody is BORN masochistic, nobody is BORN with an intense desire of someone...these form over time.
I do?

I've studied psychology and sexuality myself to survive my own trauma buddy(trauma with no consoler would help with btw), and I grew a deep understanding. Partially this was because I didnt seek help for years, partially because the diagnosis I had was not in the DSM 6, and was taken OUT of it from the DSM 5. So I was forced to treat myself, as consolers ignored it. And because of this, I learned LOTS about psych, how the mind works, ect... mainly because there was so much I had to fix completely alone, because a psych doctor told me "well this don't exist but we can treat you for depression" but I knew treating me for depression, when my depression was BASED on another issue was pointless.  It would be like treating me for internal bleeding when I have a shattered bone constantly making MORE bleeding...

And one key thing I've learned : basis of 90% of psychology is PATTERNS, PERCEPTION, HABITS. Granted, we have free will, critical mind (if we use it) and new events coming along all the time, but those 3 base factors shape pretty much everything.

Not only that but....pretty sure effectively, rimworld, iirc mimics this, in that someone might be asexual for years, but find someone they like. IF the circumstances are right

QuoteGod DAMN you lot are about as fun as cancer.
Thats rude. Keep in mind, you were the first to insult technically AGAINST the rules

FYI, ludeon is a VERY adult forum, in which higher level of dialog is allowed, and often into slightly uncomfortable topics, but this takes all parties involved acting as adults and remaining civil, so try to do that mate. Its a great place, very adult, very intelligent, but you may sometimes see opinions you don't like....if so, disagree with evidence or logical arguments, or just ignore it...but growing hostile does nobody any favors
Why to people worry about following their heart? Its lodged in your chest, you won't accidentally leave it behind.


Its bad because reasons, and if you don't know the reasons, you are horrible. You cannot ask what the reasons are or else you doubt it. But the reasons are irrefutable. Logic.


I also had a couple in RimWorld that had sex like once per year for their anniversary, while the others were doing it like rabbits. Well, I observed that they, even tho both had set the same sleeping time, went to bed at different times and if that gap is too big, the partner already in bed sleeps to deep I guess.
I'm from Austria. If I offend you, it's usually inadvertently.
Snowmen army, Chemfuel Generator, Electric Stonecutting, Smelting Tweak


I still stand by what I said, snowflake. You want to be special, that's fine. Be special in your own little special safe place, instead of trying to nag the rest of the planet to cater to your every whim. You wonder why people are fed up with SJW's? It's because of this crap. "Give me all I want and let me play out my own fantasies or I'll write a hitpiece on you".

At this point, any game developer is better off not having genders or any sexuality at all represented, because there are ALWAYS some snowflakes who wants to complain, rather than understanding that this is a GAME; It's a world created by the developer, in the way that THEY imagine it.

It's beyond selfish to demand that this is changed because YOU feel that your snowflake lifestyle isn't accurately represented in it. This isn't something that should take up a developers time at all, and yet it does in today's society; because you selfish bastards keep making a big deal about how you feel that everything is wrong about the way it's represented, and take everything as insults, where none was intended.

If you want a game-world that is precisely made after your specifications, then pick up a book on game development ( Here's a great one: ), read it, study game development, and make your own damn world, because to quote Denis Miller from back when he wasn't a complete dickhead: "I think so little of the deviations of human sexuality, that I refuse to treat you like a Faberge egg."

And to the mods: Sorry for breaking whatever rules I did, but it's just gotten beyond annoying at this point.


Quote from: Thyme on November 16, 2016, 10:22:04 AM
I also had a couple in RimWorld that had sex like once per year for their anniversary, while the others were doing it like rabbits. Well, I observed that they, even tho both had set the same sleeping time, went to bed at different times and if that gap is too big, the partner already in bed sleeps to deep I guess.
eh, some girls even if sleepy will allow sex.... Even if they sleep during. Not all,  but certainly some. Often this is just because they really want their lover happy,  even if not awake for it.

Rezpawner  what in gods name is your problem?

I'm not trying to be a snowflake,  im bringing forward my observations and you are getting very hostile.  Cool it.

Also did you entirely miss where i said asexuality is already pretty much existing as i described in rimworld?

So in essence you just ranted over absolutely nothing but your own misunderstanding.

To recap
+not asking for any changes.
+not asking for safe space. Besides the rules here you could call me a faggot warped freak,  i wouldn't care because im secure. Im extremely difficult to anger with just words
+i agree with how its implemented in rimworld completely,  in fact i was trying to defend its exact implementation
+im really confused on why you posted that rant.  I can only assume this is a gross misunderstanding.

Anyway,  before anymore thread derail,  pm me for clarification.
Why to people worry about following their heart? Its lodged in your chest, you won't accidentally leave it behind.


Its bad because reasons, and if you don't know the reasons, you are horrible. You cannot ask what the reasons are or else you doubt it. But the reasons are irrefutable. Logic.


Quote from: mumblemumble on November 16, 2016, 11:45:00 AM
Quote from: Thyme on November 16, 2016, 10:22:04 AM
I also had a couple in RimWorld that had sex like once per year for their anniversary, while the others were doing it like rabbits. Well, I observed that they, even tho both had set the same sleeping time, went to bed at different times and if that gap is too big, the partner already in bed sleeps to deep I guess.
eh, some girls even if sleepy will allow sex.... Even if they sleep during. Not all,  but certainly some. Often this is just because they really want their lover happy,  even if not awake for it.
Are you talking rl or RimWorld? Because I know ... stories. =)
I'm from Austria. If I offend you, it's usually inadvertently.
Snowmen army, Chemfuel Generator, Electric Stonecutting, Smelting Tweak


Real life,  my ex allowed it. And ive heard many others allow it on the principle of obligation towards the bf / husband (in all seriousness,  this is actually a pretty good decision for marriage if time is lacking)

That said,  id rather not turn this into a sex story thread
Why to people worry about following their heart? Its lodged in your chest, you won't accidentally leave it behind.


Its bad because reasons, and if you don't know the reasons, you are horrible. You cannot ask what the reasons are or else you doubt it. But the reasons are irrefutable. Logic.


I hope Tynan reads that so he can implement that. I imagine my stone cutters getting nuzzled by their partners during work.
I'm from Austria. If I offend you, it's usually inadvertently.
Snowmen army, Chemfuel Generator, Electric Stonecutting, Smelting Tweak


I'm just going to sit here and eat my popcorn. Not banning anyone yet but boy howdy if this feisty chatter doesn't calm down soon I just might have to...

Ugh... I have SO MANY MESSES TO CLEAN UP. Oh also I slap people around who work on mods <3

"Back off man, I'm a scientist."
- Egon Stetmann



Quote from: Thyme on November 16, 2016, 02:01:48 PM
I hope Tynan reads that so he can implement that. I imagine my stone cutters getting nuzzled by their partners during work.
to be honest,  i support this idea,  kissing or nuzzling encouraging lovers working together.

This would seem a bit more dynamic than a general "in the area"  buff,  and a sex buff... Even shy lovers should kiss and enjoy it....

Perhaps even being a distraction lol
Why to people worry about following their heart? Its lodged in your chest, you won't accidentally leave it behind.


Its bad because reasons, and if you don't know the reasons, you are horrible. You cannot ask what the reasons are or else you doubt it. But the reasons are irrefutable. Logic.