[1.0/1.1]Anesthetic Gun Mod

Started by tikubonn, January 08, 2018, 06:52:28 AM

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this MOD add the anesthetic gun(tranquilizer gun) to your RimWorld. the added gun is very low power, but its bullets decrease the athletic ability and consciousness to the hit opponent. you can stun the target by hitting the bullet many times. so you can neutralize the target with less damage with this gun. basically, the heavier the weight, the more bullets are needed to neutralize it.

be careful, this anesthetic gun is not a non lethal weapon. if you hit many bullets that exceeds the lethal dose, the target will surely die. bullet has no effect to the target if it could not penetrate the armor(or skin). bullet has no effect to mechanoid.

この MOD は麻酔銃とそのレシピをあなたの RimWorld に追加します。追加される麻酔銃は威力がとても低いものの、その弾丸は命中した相手の運動能力と意識を低下させる状態異常を引き起こします。そして弾丸は連続で打ち込むことにより、対象を気絶させることができます。これにより、より少ない損傷で対象を無力化できるでしょう。基本的に体重が重ければ重いほど、無力化するためにより多くの弾丸が必要になります。


I fixed many things. the first hitting bullet is always non-lethal. bullet has no effect to the target if it could not penetrate the armor(or skin). changed the calculation method of debuff severity, for the stunned target don't wake up immediately. the anesthetic gun's repeating shooting time was improved.

this MOD has supported for RimWorld version 1.1 unstable experimentally.
試験的ですが RimWorld 1.1 テスト版に対応しました。
this MOD has supported multiple version of 1.0 and 1.1. but I finished update this MOD for RimWorld 1.0.
この MOD はこのバージョン以降 RimWorld 1.0 と 1.1 双方のバージョンで使用できるようになりました。ただしこれ以降 RimWorld 1.0 用の更新は終了します。ご留意ください。

this MOD has supported More Mechanoids and HALO: Rimworld Heretic Mechanoids experimentally.
More Mechanoids と HALO: Rimworld Heretic Mechanoids に試験的に対応しました。

changed name of Japanese translation directory to RimWorld 1.1 style.
日本語翻訳ディレクトリの名前を RimWorld 1.1 の仕様に合わせました。

you can download latest one from https://ux.getuploader.com/rimworld/download/53(for RimWorld 1.1).
or https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1220397176.
old version is https://ux.getuploader.com/rimworld/download/30(for RimWorld 1.0).