Can't interact with corpses of pawns that die while being hauled

Started by Anxarcule, November 20, 2016, 02:22:20 AM

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I captured a few tribals on a raid and delayed capturing the 3rd pawn for a bit, so when I got around to capturing them they must have died from blood loss while being carried.  I could see the body on the floor but couldn't interact with it (couldn't consume, strip, etc).  One of my pawns was set to cremate and tried to cremate this corpse but he (the pawn) wasn't moving - I could see he was pathed to corpse but he was stationary.

Saving the game and loading the game fixed the issue - upon loading the corpse simply disappeared.


Could you upload a copy of your output_log file?
It could contain pertinent information.

(I am guessing this is an issue that would probably leave a "not deep-saved" type of error.)